Specialised ntxuav Robots

Aventurier, Ib tug coj mus muag robot tuam txhab, Tau kaum tawm lab tus las nyiaj hauv angel round txais

Aventurier, Ib tug coj mus muag robot tuam txhab, Tau kaum tawm lab tus las nyiaj hauv angel round txais. Raws li tus IoT Cloud Platform (Blog.IOTCloudPlatform.COM), Aventurier, Ib tug coj mus muag robot tuam txhab, Nyuam qhuav tiav ib angel round ntawm txais nyiaj muaj nqis kaum tawm lab tus las nyiaj.

Qhov no muab peev yog coj los Jinqiu Fund, thiab CCV peev (CCV) koom rau hauv peev.

Aventurier, Ib tug coj mus muag robot tuam txhab, Tau kaum tawm lab tus las nyiaj hauv angel round txais

Nws yog to taub tias pab neeg founding ntawm Aventurier tag nrho los ntawm qhov kev lag luam huv robot kev lag luam: CEO Liu Rongming ib zaug ua haujlwm rau ib lub taub hau ntxuav robot tuam txhab thiab yog lub luag hauj lwm rau lub tsev li cas lawv; CTO Yan Ruijun ib zaug ua haujlwm rau Yinxing Tshuab thiab muaj huab hwm coj ntau lawm kev; Liu, Yan thiab Yan jointly los lub ntsiab txhais thiab R&D siv purdue ntxuav robots SH1 thiab CC1; COO Nie Xin ib zaug ua haujlwm rau Huawei, and later led the organization construction and operation management of the industry's first cleaning robot, achieving ib teev ntawm kaum tawm lab tus billions Scale expansion; Tas cov pab neeg no muaj kev lag luam muaj kev lag luam.

Specialised Cleaning Robots

Specialised ntxuav Robots

Ob peb hnub dhau los, qhov Internet ntawm tej yam huab Platform (Blog.IOTCloudPlatform.COM) Peb lub pab (team) founding ntawm Aventurier, thiab exchanged views ntawm cov khoom, khw muag khoom noj, Thiab ua lag ua luam qauv ntawm coj mus muag robots.

1. Scenarios thiab yuav tsum tau txoj, yuav tsum tau hais li cas txog cov tshuaj no?

Aventurier CEO Liu Rongming ntseeg hais tias cov khoom txhais ntawm coj mus muag robots yuav tsum tau xam los ntawm ob dimensions: kev lag luam thiab thaj av ntawd.

Ntawm tus foupective ntawm txoj kev ua lag luam, coj mus muag robots kub siab rau kev ntxuav tus khiav, Nws txawv ntawm tis robots. Txawm tias lawv yeej tseem zoo "chassis + daim ntawv thov kev pab" logic, Cov qauv ntxuav qauv ntxiv thiab tag nrho cov tshuab tsim yog nyuab dua.

Ntawm tus foupective ntawm lub lag luam attributes, warehousing thiab tis yog cov tub ntxhais ua hauj lwm ntawm ntau tuam txhab uas muag. Yog li ntawd, vim, saib raws cov khoom, Vim muaj ntau industries txawv, Ntau hom robots yuav tsum tau daws cov ntsiab lus.

Piv txwv, industrial mobile AGVs, tsev noj mov robots, Thiab tsev so tus me nyuam robots yog tag nrho cov pawg sib txawv, Thiab qhov kev lag luam characteristics yog cuab kev heev. Txhua hom robots muaj precipitated ib kuj txawv cov khoom uas tsim.

contrast, Ntxuav tsis yog tus tub ntxhais ua hauj lwm ntawm cov neeg muas zaub, Tiam sis nws yog ib tug rigid xav tau thiab yog tshwm sim-oriented, uas yog, Cov neeg muas zaub nws tus kheej xav seb cov ntxuav tu yog ua li cas thaum kawg, Qhov kev ntxuav tu thiab paub meej.

No feature ntawm "focusing rau cov qhabnias thiab ignoring txheej txheem" Yeej tseem zoo reflects uas ntxuav robots muaj zog scene generalization capabilities, uas yog, Tsawg dua cov cav tov npog scenes.

Piv txwv, tsev loj, hauv qab daus, chaw ua hauj lwm vaj tse, Tsev kawm ntawv, thiab lwm yam. txawv scenarios, thiab qhov thov rau cov khoom no kuj txawv, Tab sis tsuas ob peb pawg ntawm cov cav tov yuav tsum tau npog, thiab raws li txawv scenarios, mob, targeted cia li kho lub tshuab.

Specific rau lub scene xwb, Liu Rongming ntseeg hais tias muaj peb hais txog thaum tsim khoom rau lub scene.

Ib cheeb tsam yog ib cheeb tsam.

Qhov luaj li cas ntawm qhov chaw ntxuav tu yog ncaj qha mus rau lub neej roj teeb ntawm cov neeg hlau, nrog rau lub neej roj teeb thiab dej tank lub neej. Yog lub neej roj teeb tsis txaus, Lub tshuab yuav tsum rov qab mus rau qhov chaw nres tsheb puag nquag them los yog ntxiv dej, Ntxuav efficiency yuav raug txo, Thiab cov nyhuv yuav tsis cuab kev, Thiab nws yuav tsis yooj yim rau cov neeg muas zaub them rau nws.

Qhov thib ob yog cov khoom siv thiab ntxuav txoj kev ntxuav tu.

Hauv pem teb muab faib ua av thiab muag av. Nyuaj pem teb yog classified raws li cov ntaub ntawv xws li granite, marble, thiab ntoo boards, Thaum soft pem teb muab faib ua ntaub pua plag liab, pam pua chaw, kaus, acrylic, thiab lwm yam. Cov ntaub ntawv txawv muaj ntau yam yuav tsum tau navigation, ntxuav qauv, ntxuav hwj huam.Automated Indoor Cleaning Expert - Automated Cleaning Robots - Vacuum Cleaner Manufacturers in China

Tu Cov Kws Muaj Txuj Hauv Tsev - Automated Cleaning Robots - Nqus Tsev Nqus Manufacturers nyob Suav teb


Tus thib peb yog ntau yam txwv, xws li kis los ntawm rooj vag, overcoming obstacles, kaj lug ntawm lub teeb thiab li ntawd.

Noj teeb ua ib qho piv txwv, yuav muaj kev sib raug zoo rau ntau hom ntaub ntawv, Uas yuav muaj feem xyuam rau cov tsis pom kev zoo thiab radar ntawm cov neeg hlau, Thiab yuav tsum tau precision algorithms rau txoj kev navigation thiab qhia txog cov khoom raug nyiag lawm.

Yog li ntawd, vim, manufacturers tsim khoom raws li scenarios, thiab npog ntau scenarios nrog ib tug xov tooj ntawm cov khoom, Lawv yuav tsum noj tej yam uas yuav ua rau kev xav.

Raws li cov scenario yam, Liu Rongming ntseeg hais tias cov neeg hlau ntxuav robot yuav tsum yog ib tug qauv ntxuav lawv, thiab lub tshuab tseem yuav modular tsim, Uas yuav tau assembled nyias qhib txawv scenarios thiab txo tus nqi siv ntawm lub tshuab.

Ntawm ib lub regional foupective, Vim qhov txawv hauv architectural styles, decoration styles, thiab lub regional kev cai, Cov neeg muas zaub txawv regions muaj txawv rau cov cav tov.

Piv txwv, Cov lag luam Japanese xav tau me cav tov, ntaub pua plag, focusing rau cov kev ua hauj lwm cheb tsev thiab suction, thiab tsis tas yuav ntxuav tes; Teb Chaws Asmeskas lag luam muaj ntau scenes loj scenes, Nrog tej thaj chaw loj siv xws li airports, tsev kho mob, thiab tsev kawm ntawv. , yuav tsum tau ib lub tshuab loj, Thiab muaj nruj kev cai rau lub stability thiab kev ruaj ntseg ntawm lub tshuab.

Cov ciaj uas muag txawv yuav tsum tau customized tsim rau lub neej roj teeb ntawm lub tshuab, tus tsim ntawm lub tank tank, thiab kev nyab xeeb ntawm cov khoom.

Qhov no "Ib horizontal thiab ib vertical" Characteristics ntawm regions thiab industries ua tau muaj kev cuam tshuam cov thov kom ntxuav robots nyob rau hauv cov lag luam tag nrho. Thaum defining khoom, Tuam txhab uas muag yuav tsum xub xav txog lub hom phiaj phiaj, thiab ces disassemble qhov xav tau ib tug los ntawm ib tug. Los ntawm tshuab thiab Qauv innovations rau qhov chaw nyob cov neeg muas zaub xav tau.

Liu Rongming ices tias Aventurier lub hom phiaj siv 3-4 Khoom los npog lub ntiaj teb no lag luam. Thawj cov khoom yuav muab tso rau lub caij nplooj zeeg ntawm 2023 thiab mass-ua kawg ntawm lub xyoo. Nws yuav tsum tau teb chaws daim ntawv pov thawj txawv tebchaw hauv tus thawj ib nrab ntawm 2024 Thiab ces thawb nws rau cov teb chaws Europe thiab lub teb chaws As Mes Lis Kas. khw muag khoom noj.

2. Nqe tsov rog no tsis yog cov tshuaj xwb, Yuav tsum muaj ib ob-txoj kev xaiv enterprises thiab cov neeg muas zaub

Raws li cov khoom txhais ntawm lub lag luam phiaj, As Well as specific software thiab hardware kev loj hlob, ua kom tiav tshuab, ntxiv rau ntau yam kev kuaj thiab daim ntawv pov thawj, Tsuas lub hauv ntej-kawg txuas ntawm qhov khoom launch muaj tau tiav.

Nkag mus rau sab nraum qab kawg ntawm lub lag luam, khoom pricing, muag khoom uas zoo, Kev zov me nyuam thiab maintenance cov kev pab uas coj mus muag robots kuj yog qhov tseem ceeb rau qhov sib txeeb ntawm manufacturers.

Liu Rongming hais rau hauv Internet ntawm tej yam huab Platform (Blog.IOTCloudPlatform.COM) Cov ntsiab lus txhais yuav tsum tau raws li cov neeg muas zaub suitable, Es ua txheem cov khoom uas tsis muaj ib tug clue. Yog hais tias cov neeg tuaj saib tsis tseeb thaum pib, Ces cov khoom uas yuav tsum tsis yooj yim los txhawb , Nws tseem yooj yim rau tuam txhab uas muag poob rau hauv homogeneous sib txeeb nrog cov phooj ywg.

Ua txhais tau tias, Tsis txhob cia cov neeg muas zaub xaiv cov khoom, Nws zoo xaiv cov neeg muas zaub thaum pib thiab muab sis tw khoom rau cov neeg muas zaub zoo tshaj plaws.

Piv txwv, Mid-rau-kawg cov neeg muas zaub yog rhiab heev rau nqi. Yog hais tias koj yog ib tug neeg mus-rau-kawg neeg muas zaub, Tus nqi tsawg dua tus nqi thiab muag nqi ntawm lub tshuab, zoo dua. Ua li no, Manufacturers yuav tsuas passively tsim ib nqe tsov rog. Ob lub channel thiab lub tuam txhab nws tus kheej yuav ua nyiaj. nyiaj tsawg.

Aventurier, a commercial cleaning robot company, received tens of millions of dollars in angel round financing

Aventurier, Ib tug coj mus muag robot tuam txhab, Tau kaum tawm lab tus las nyiaj hauv angel round txais


Liu Rongming ntseeg hais tias tus nqi ntawm lub tshuab no tsis rau cov neeg muas zaub uas tsis muas fais fab thiab muaj demanding xav tau, Tab sis rau cov neeg muas zaub uas kam them.

ntxiv thiab, Rau feem ntau cov neeg muas zaub B-end cov neeg muas zaub, Lawv tus nqi yog tus nqi coj los ntawm lub tshuab, Thiab tus nqi no tsis yog qhov zoo tshaj yuav cuam tshuam dab tsi rau lub purchase.

Vim hais tias cov enterprise yeej tseem zoo ib peev logic es ib noj logic, Qhov tseem ceeb indicator rau ntsuas peev yog ROI. Tsuav tus nqi ntawm lub tshuab yuav coj tiag txo thiab efficiency nce rau lub enterprise nyob rau hauv lub neej cycle, Tus enterprise yuav tsis txais tej yam tshiab .

Thaum ib enterprise laij ROI, Nws tsis cias hloov tus nqi cav tov thiab cov neeg ua zog, Tab sis pib ntawm tag nrho cov khoom tag nrho lub neej cycle, xws li muas khoom, cov nqi ua zog, kev zov me nyuam thiab nqi kho mob, li ntawd., thiab laij tus general ledger.

Raws li no foupective, cov khoom thiab cov kev pab cuam uas muab los ntawm coj mus muag robot manufacturers yuav tsum kub siab rau qhov kev txiav txim logic ntawm cov neeg muas zaub yuav cov cav tov, thiab ua ib txoj hauj lwm zoo nyob rau hauv cov khoom ua hauj lwm, zoo, stability, thiab tom qab muag khoom thiab kev kho mob, Thaum uas muab tus nqi rau cov neeg muas zaub. Sau qoob loo.

Hais txog qhov qhia sis tw coj mus muag Ntxuav robot lag luam, Liu Rongming hais tias tag nrho cov lag luam tag nrho yog loj txaus thiab twb tsis tau mus txog rau theem ntawm tes-rau-tes combat ntawm manufacturers, Thiab tus nqi tsov rog no tsis yog ib cov kev taw qhia zoo.

Lub lag luam B saw hlau yog tsis tshua muaj neeg txoj. Thaum muab tus nqi rau cov neeg muas zaub, Robot manufacturers yuav tsum tau kev pab nrog ib tug neeg xws li distributors, distributors, lwm tus neeg, li ntawd., thiaj li yuav khiav los ntawm cov qauv ua lag ua luam.

Ib qho cuab kev piv txwv yog tias ntau start-up tuam txhab uas muag nyob hauv tsev thiab sia mus thoob ntiajteb tau ua tus nqi ntawm robots tsawg heev, Tab sis tsis qhib tau lub lag luam.

Yog vim li cas fundamental yog tias nws yog ib qho nyuaj rau daim ntawv ruaj khov channel thiab mov saw hlau los blindly dov nqi thiab compressing nyiaj margins rau huab. Yeej yuav tsim kom muaj ib lub kaw lus rau pem hauv ntej-kawg procurement thiab back-end muag khoom. lag luam, kev ua lag luam yog ib qho nyuaj heev.

Yog li ntawd, vim, Cov qauv ntawm expanding lub lag luam los ntawm nqe wars yog nyuaj khiav ntseeg nkaws hauv lub teb b teb, Thiab nws tsi muaj ib txoj cai ntawm kev lag luam kev lag luam.

Tab sis qhov no tsis txhais hais tias tus nqi tu robots tsis tau txo.

Yog vim li cas vim li cas tu robots tsis tau hloov tib neeg ua zog thaum tam sim no yog tias apart from lub Disease fact tias cov nyhuv ntxuav nyhuv thiab efficiency yuav tsis zoo li tib neeg ua zog, Lwm yam tseem ceeb yog tias lub tshuab kim heev.

Yav ntev mus, Mus cuag loj-teev daim ntawv thov kev ntxuav robots, Txo nqi txo yog ib inevitable sib.

Liu Rongming ntseeg hais tias muaj ntau txoj kev los txo cov nqi, Xws li siv VSlam los ntawm txo nqi sensors, Xws li mov saw hlau tswj, xam cov neeg lub neej cycles, li ntawd, thiab thiaj li.

Ntawm no tsis nyob ntev, enterprises yuav tsum kub siab rau cov khoom. Tsuas yog tas cov neeg muas zaub siv cov khoom zoo yuav lawv tsim thiab cultivate lub lag luam. Thaum cov lag luam matures, Nws yog tus logic ntawm txoj kev loj hlob zoo los txo cov nqi los ntawm mov saw hlau integration thiab kev tshawb fawb tshiab thiab kev loj hlob.

3. Lub lag luam tej zaum uas ntxuav robots yog loj loj, thiab cov lag luam qauv yog paub tsis meej

Internet ntawm tej yam huab Platform (Blog.IOTCloudPlatform.COM) taw tes qhia tawm nyob rau hauv tsab xov xwm yav dhau los "dej khov thiab hluav taws kub" coj mus muag robots: Peev hype, giants dej nyab hauv, thiab caij ntuj no, Taw kom paub tias coj mus muag robots muaj kaum tawm billions los txawm 175,000 billions ntawm tswv yim. , Twb tsis pob tawg lawm ntawm no theem. Yog vim li cas fundamental yog tias cav tov tsis tau tib neeg ua hauj lwm, Thiab lub lag luam twb tsis tau ushered hauv lub singularity ntawm fission.

Ntawm ib tug mus sij hawm ntev foupective, Nrog cov pejxeem aging pejxeem thiab kev hloov hauv kev ua hauj lwm thov, Nws yuav tsis groundless tias txoj kev lag luam ntxuav kev lag luam yog txojkev muaj tsis txaus ntawm cov neeg ua zog. Nyob rau Nyiajpoom Teb thiab kaus lim qab teb, Tus nqi ntiav cov ntaub ntawv ntiav yog ib qho tsis tshua muaj neeg, Thiab tseem muaj ib tug neeg ua zog kis, Nws yog ib rooj plaub cuab kev heev.

Pom tej zaum 100 kuj ua lag ua luam sawv daws, manufacturers loj xws li ZTE, Sangfor, lub teb chaws vaj zaub, Thiab Shiyuan tau tsim los pab coj mus muag paab. kub heev.

Vim lub efficiency, mov saw hlau, lag luam khiav, Nqi thiab lwm yam uas ntxuav robots, Tag nrho cov neeg hlau huv lag luam twb tsis tau qhib, Thiab lub lag luam twb tsis tau ua ib lub caijnyoog twg dominance.

Txawm hais tias lub tuam txhab Gaoxian tau tsim tej barriers, Nws tsis muaj ib qho kom zoo dua, thiab txawm nyob hauv ib lub lag luam mature, Ob peb tuam txhab uas muag yuav muab lub lag luam ua ke, Thiab tseem tsis muaj winners noj tag nrho.

Nyob rau hauv ib qho immature lag luam, Cov players no yeej ua tau rau tib kab pib kab.

Liu Rongming ntseeg hais tias thiaj li yuav khiav ntev thiab farther ntawm no khiav, Tuam txhab uas muag yuav tsum rov qab mus rau tus thawj txhooj, uas yog, Muab cov khoom uas cov neeg muas zaub xav tau thiab daws tau cov ntsiab lus, Nws yog tus tub ntxhais tus nqi. Tsuas nyob ib ncig ntawm no tub ntxhais tus nqi taw tes yuav hauv raws li tej haujlwm coj mus muag tej haujlwm yuav tau ris, thiab ces qhib tau lub lag luam, faus, thiab nyob hauv lub lag luam.

Ntawm no lub hauv paus, tag nrho cov tuam txhab uas muag, Aventurier, muaj sij hawm los lwv.

Sau ntawv cia

Koj qhov chaw nyob yuav tsis raug luam tawm. Yuav tsum tau teb yog cim *