Nyob rau lub Cuaj hlis 2023, Tuam Tshoj yuav raug muab tso tseg lub nkag teb chaws nucleic acid kuaj thiab koom rau hauv lub ntiaj teb no IOTE Internet ntawm tej yam exhibition

Nyob rau lub Cuaj hlis 2023, Tuam Tshoj yuav raug muab tso tseg lub nkag teb chaws nucleic acid kuaj thiab koom rau hauv lub ntiaj teb no IOTE Internet ntawm tej yam exhibition

Nyob rau lub Cuaj hlis 2023, Tuam Tshoj yuav raug muab tso tseg lub nkag teb chaws nucleic acid kuaj thiab koom rau hauv lub ntiaj teb no IOTE Internet ntawm tej yam exhibition. Nyob rau lub Cuaj hlis 2023, Tuam Tshoj Internet ntawm tej yam Exhibition tseem yuav tsum tau kuaj rau nucleic acid ua ntej yuav mus hauv lub teb chaws?

Nyob rau lub Cuaj hlis 2023, Tuam Tshoj yuav raug muab tso tseg lub nkag teb chaws nucleic acid kuaj thiab koom rau hauv lub ntiaj teb no IOTE Internet ntawm tej yam exhibition

Nyob rau lub Cuaj hlis 2023, Tuam Tshoj Internet ntawm tej yam Exhibition tseem yuav tsum tau kuaj rau nucleic acid ua ntej yuav mus hauv lub teb chaws?

Raws li cov ntaub ntawv los ntawm cov suav Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Peb muab cov xov xwm raws li qhov tseeb.

Nucleic acid kuaj yuav raug muab tso tseg ua ntej yuav mus hauv lub teb chaws 2023, Thiab ntiaj teb no Internet ntawm tej yam neeg txais tos mus xyuas lub IOTE Internet ntawm tej yam Exhibition rau lub Cuaj hlis.

Suav Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Ntawm lub yim hli ntuj 30th, Cov neeg los rau Suav teb tsis tas yuav undergo COVID 19 kua qaub los yog antigen kuaj.

Mus ua si rau Suav teb muaj tau ntau convenient tsaib no. Ib tug xov tooj ntawm tseev tsim ntiaj teb qhua nkaus peb ntawm lub IOTE 2023 Shanghai Internet ntawm tej yam Exhibition.

Thaum IOTE 2023 Shanghai chaw nres tsheb, Peb yuav pom cov txawv teb chaws luam economy muaj tau ceev kev txhim kho. Tuam txhab uas muag loj sau ntawm no muab tau thiab achievements, exchanging kev thiab txawv teb chaws IoT tshuab.

In September 2023, China will cancel the entry nucleic acid test and participate in the global IOTE Internet of Things exhibition

Nyob rau lub Cuaj hlis 2023, Tuam Tshoj yuav raug muab tso tseg lub nkag teb chaws nucleic acid kuaj thiab koom rau hauv lub ntiaj teb no IOTE Internet ntawm tej yam exhibition


Lub 20th International Internet ntawm tej yam Exhibition Shenzhen chaw nres tsheb yuav muaj nyob rau Shenzhen International Convention thiab Exhibition Center (Baoan) Rau lub Cuaj hlis 20.22! Thov nkag mus rau lub venue los ntawm sab qab zog Lobby!

Kom deb li deb, Cov qhua sau npe thoob ntiaj teb qhua muaj ntau zog rau ntau tshaj 1,000, los ntawm thoob qab ntuj, xws li zog ntawm Guj kuj, Lub tebchaws United Kingdom, teb chaws As Mes Lis Kas, kaus lim qab teb, Nyiv, Is Nrias teb, Thaib teb, Malaysia, Brazil, Mexico, Philippines, Nplog thiab lwm lub teb chaws. IOT module manufacturers in China - iot wifi module using with arduino

IOT module manufacturers nyob Suav teb - iot wifi module siv arduino

Peb exhibition halls muaj ib cheeb tsam tag nrho ntawm 60,000 square meters, nqa ua ke 600+ exhibitors los ntawm thoob qab ntuj, Cuag kev thiab txawv teb chaws tshuab hauv lub teb ntawm RFID, sensors, ntawv hauv electronic, kev ruaj ntseg sib txuas lus, huab platforms, cov ntaub ntawv loj, txoj kev ntse artificial, li ntawd., thiab showcasing khoom thiab cov khoom siv.ESP8266 serial wifi module NodeMCU Lua V3 IoT development board CH340

ESP8266 serial wifi module NodeMCU Lua V3 IoT kev loj hlob board CH340


ntau tshaj 100,000 Cov neeg ua hauj lwm integrators thiab xaus cov neeg siv los ntawm ntau teb, Xws li kev lag luam, logistics, infrastructure, thiab ntse lub zos, yuav koom peb ntawm IOTE 2023 Shenzhen chaw nres tsheb.

Thaum twg yuav internet ntawm tej yam Exhibition rau lub Cuaj hlis 2023 Pib?

Internet ntawm tej yam Exhibition rau lub Cuaj hlis 2023 Yuav muaj nyob rau lub Cuaj hlis 20-22, 2023 Ntawm lub Shenzhen International Convention thiab Exhibition Center (Bao'an cuab tshiab).
Qhov no yog ib carnival ntawm internet ntawm tej yam kev lag luam, Thiab nws tseem yog ib qho kev tshwm sim high-end rau Internet ntawm tej tuam txhab uas muag los grasp lub caij nyoog. lub sij hawm ntawd, Cov npe loj nyob rau hauv Internet ntawm tej yam kev lag luam yuav tau sau ntawm no. Shenzhen Chengcheng Information Co., Ltd. (abbreviation: Chengcheng Information) Kuj tuaj rau cov neeg pej xeem nrog kev tshwm sim los tam sim no IoT hais txog cov khoom thiab cov tshuaj rau sawv daws.

Dab tsi yog cov nto moo Internet ntawm tej tuam txhab uas muag nyob Zhongban Shenzhen?

Zoo paub IoT tuam txhab uas muag nyob Shenzhen muaj xws li:

1. Huawei: Ua ib lub tuam txhab giant, Huawei muaj ib tug comprehensive layout hauv lub teb ntawm Internet ntawm tej yam.
2. ZTE: Founded hauv 1985, ZTE yog ib tug loj-teev sib txuas lus tuam txhab teev nyob hong koob thiab Shenzhen. Ua ib tus giants nyob rau hauv cov kev sib txuas lus tshuab teb, ZTE Corporation integrates "tsim, Development, ntau lawm, muag khoom, kev pab thiab kev pab" thiab tsom rua "neeg teb xov tooj network, tsoom fwv thiab enterprise lag luam, thiab muab kev pab rau cov neeg ua hauj lwm." Ntawm lawv, Tsoom fwv thiab enterprise lag luam yog raws li "kev sib txuas lus, Internet ntawm tej yam, cov ntaub ntawv loj, huab computing" thiab lwm yam khoom, muab ntau yam ntaub ntawv rau governments thiab enterprises.BEST IoT wifi module

ZOO IoT wifi module


Tau kawg muaj ntau ntau, Txais tos rau Suav teb International Internet ntawm tej yam Exhibition. Hu rau peb rau kev koom tes ua hauj lwm kev koom tes DasApp: +8618062443671

IOTE invites koj sawv daws koom peb thiab txaus siab rau no grand IoT kev tshwm sim cuaj hlis no rau Shenzhen. Wb ntsib tau!

IOTE International Internet ntawm tej yam Exhibition, pib 2009, Lawm focusing rau hauv Internet ntawm tej yam exhibition rau ntau tshaj 10 xyoo.ESP32 CAM development board with OV2640 module - IoT WIFI+Bluetooth module

ESP32 CAM kev loj hlob board nrog OV2640 module - IoT WIFI+Bluetooth module


Txhua Shenzhen noj invites 600+ Internet ntawm tej tuam txhab uas muag nyob rau hauv ntau teb, As Well as 175,000 kev lag luam qhua kom kub siab rau 15 zaug + rooj sab laj txawv teb rau tib theem Hais lus, attracting 100,000+ Cov neeg tuaj saib thiab listeners nrog Internet ntawm tej yam thiab lwm yam kev siv yuav tsum tau.IOT wifi module manufacturers

IOT wifi module manufacturers

Tus IOTE International Internet ntawm tej yam Exhibition, Thaum lub caij no rau lub Cuaj hlis txhua xyoo, Yog ib pliag carnival caij rau cov neeg los ntawm internet ntawm tej yam thoob ntiaj teb, Thiab nws yog ib lub caij nyoog rau countless neeg kom paub sib thiab tau paub sib zoo.

Sau ntawv cia

Koj qhov chaw nyob yuav tsis raug luam tawm. Yuav tsum tau teb yog cim *