MeiG Smart tshwm ntawm elexcon 2023: Edge AI Computing hwj huam Empowers Innovation thiab Upgrade ntawm IoT Terminals

MeiG Smart tshwm ntawm elexcon 2023: Edge AI Computing hwj huam Empowers Innovation thiab Upgrade ntawm IoT Terminals

MeiG Smart tshwm ntawm elexcon 2023: Edge AI Computing hwj huam Empowers Innovation thiab Upgrade ntawm IoT Terminals. Ntawm lub yim hli ntuj 23 mus rau 25, 2023, elexcon 2023 Shenzhen International Electronics ncaj ncees yuav muaj nyob rau hauv Shenzhen Convention thiab Exhibition Center (Futian).

MeiG Smart tshwm ntawm elexcon 2023: ntug AI Computing fais fab tuag Empowers Innovation thiab Upgrade ntawm IoT Terminals

Ntawm lub yim hli ntuj 23 mus rau 25, 2023, elexcon 2023 Shenzhen International Electronics ncaj ncees yuav muaj nyob rau hauv Shenzhen Convention thiab Exhibition Center (Futian).

No exhibition tsom rua peb loj seem ntawm "Embedded thiab AIoT Exhibition", "Hwj huam mov thiab zog cia Exhibition" Thiab "SiP thiab Advanced Packaging Exhibition". Ntiaj teb no kev lag luam dynamics thiab yav tom ntej tshuab tiam sis.MeiG Smart Appears at elexcon 2023: Edge AI Computing Power Empowers Innovation and Upgrade of IoT Terminals

MeiG Smart tshwm ntawm elexcon 2023: Edge AI Computing hwj huam Empowers Innovation thiab Upgrade ntawm IoT Terminals


Ntawm lub MeiG Smart booth hauv cuab 1 Ntawm lub Shenzhen International Convention thiab Exhibition Center, exhibits muaj xws li 5G/4G, C-V2X car-grade, Ntse, AI computing fais fab tuag, LTE-A, Cat.1/4/6/9/ 12. NB-IoT, GNSS thiab lwm wireless sib txuas lus modules npog ntug computing, ntse cockpit, khw muag khoom ntse, Muaj Internet, Zog thiab hwj huam thiab lwm yam kev lag luam kev lag luam, Reflecting daim ntawv thov tau ntawm lub tuam txhab module khoom nyob rau ntau IoT teb.

High computing fais fab achieves edge-sab AI

AIGC muaj triggered ib yoj ntawm AI. Qauv loj pab ntse AI lub nruab ua ntau tib neeg zoo li, nrog nws tus kheej, yus tus kheej thiab nws tus kheej txiav txim siab rau nws tus kheej. Thaum tam sim no, AIGC tau pom tias nws talents hauv "paj huam sau ntawv", thiab yuav ua li cas AI "ua tej yam" Zoo yog cov nam uas neeg muaj kev txhawj xeeb txog.

Thaum sawv 1 2023 Thoob ntiaj teb Internet ntawm tej yam tshuab Innovation thiab daim ntawv thov kev sib tham nyob rau tib lub sijhawm, Feng Chengli, Thawj coj ntawm MeiG Ntse khoom, luam tawm ib tug hais lus titled "Computing Power Module: Inserting AI tis rau Edge Terminals" Nyob ib ncig ntawm daim ntawv thov loj qauv hauv lub AIoT teb. hais lus.

Feng Chengli, Thawj coj ntawm MeiG Smart khoom

Nws taw tes qhia tias ntug computing deploys computing chaw muab kev pab rau ntawm ntug lub network ze ntawm cov neeg siv thiab cov ntaub ntawv los ntawm cov ntaub ntawv, Muaj achieving tsawg dua latency, tiv thaiv kom tsis pub twg paub, thiab txo nqi tsawg dua.

Lub computing fais fab module enables davhlau developers kom tiav cov nqi tsawg, txheej txheem tsim thiab manufacturing raws li cov qauv modules, Muab ruaj khov sib txuas lus peevxwm thiab ntug computing hwj huam rau scenarios loj heev, txo tus nqi siv cov qauv loj, thiab muab ntug davhlau ya nyob twg plug-in nrog AI tis, Lub hwj huam module yog qhov zoo tshaj plaws nqa lub infinite imagination qhov chaw ntawm ntug computing fais fab.

MeiG Intelligent high-computing AI module khoom yog tsim rau terminal-sab thiab edge-sab AI daim ntawv thov, npog qhov ncauj qhov chaw nkag teb chaws, mid-range, thiab flagship multi-level khoom. tam sim no, SNM920, SNM930, SNM950, SNM960, Thiab SNM970 koob muaj tau launched, corresponding rau lub AI computing fais fab npog 0.2T.48T, Nqa ib txoj kev uas muaj kev twb kev txuas zoo, noj tsis muaj zog noj, thiab kev kawm ntawv qib siab computing fais fab.

SNM970, Raws li tus flagship koob ntawm MeiG Intelligent high-computing AI modules, siv Qualcomm QCS8550 processor, uas muaj koj connectivity thiab haib computing fais fab, thiab txhawb Wi-nkaus 7, Bluetooth 5.3, thiab 2x2 Wi-nkaus MIMO tshuab , Lub comprehensive AI computing fais fab yog siab li 48Tops. Tib lub sijhawm, Nws muaj excellent yees duab processing capabilities, txhawb 4K/8K yees duab encoding thiab decoding capabilities, Yuav nruab nrog Android los yog linux kev khiav hauj lwm lub nruab, Muaj nplua nuj built-in interfaces, Thiab txhawb lub expansion ntawm ntau peripherals.

High computing power achieves edge-side AI

Nws puas tsim nyog mentioning tias cov MeiG Smart khoom pab neeg muaj ntse khiav lub Vincent graph loj qauv Ruaj khov Diffusion rau lub SNM970 module, Nws tseem yog qhov kev lag luam tus thawj piv txwv ntawm khiav ib tug qauv loj vim li cas qauv rau ib tug qauv high-computing AI module. Cov tiam thiab aggregation ntawm on-device AI computing hwj huam muab haib kev kawm thiab yog vim li cas capabilities rau AIGC daim ntawv thov, Thiab ces draws ib grand blueprint rau txoj kev loj hlob ntawm ntug computing + rau-ntaus AI.

Tus SNM960 koob modules yog tsim raws li tus Qualcomm SM8475 processor. Lub AI computing fais fab tshaj 27Tops. Nws yuav nruab nrog algorithms nrog AI computing fais fab tuag. Nws yog ib qho kev xaiv uas zoo tshaj plaws. Lub SNM950 koob muaj ib comprehensive AI computing fais fab ntawm 15Tops, adopts 256G+12G cais loj nco, thiab muaj hwjchim computing functions thiab cia cov chaw muab kev pab muaj peev xwm. Koob SNM930 koob yog faib ua ob versions: Android thiab Linux Ubuntu, Nrog AI computing fais fab mus txog 14 sab saum toj. Lub Ubuntu version yog nruab nrog lub ubuntu20.04 kev khiav hauj lwm lawv, Uas ntxiv cov HDMI kub plug detection (HPD) muaj nuj nqi, Thiab kuj siv tau cov Modem uas los nrog lub platform mus cuag 5G sib txuas lus.

Tus Ruilong SoC array server tov yog tseem exhibited ntawm qhov chaw exhibition. Tus txheem 2U rack-mounted chassis CPU+GPU +NPU+TPU composite computing fais fab cluster muab surging computing fais fab rau scenarios xws li huab ua si, Tib neeg rendering, thiab industrial AI detection. Lub AI ntug computing thawv yog nruab nrog ib lightweight ntug tshuab cav, uas yuav ntsib tau lub deployment yuav tsum tau computing fais fab tuag, Thiab muab yees duab algorithm tsom xam capabilities teeb rau lub teeb "qhov muag" tshuab.

MeiG txoj kev ntse cwjpwm in-depth kev tshawb fawb rau AI daim ntawv thov scenario kev loj hlob, AI kev kawm optimization thiab AI low-power program kev loj hlob, Muab cov neeg muas zaub nrog diversified AI computing fais fab khoom uas match daim ntawv thov scenarios, Thiab pab tuam txhab uas muag tsaug grasp lub caij nyoog coj los ntawm tus kab mob generative AI.

Comprehensively build a smart world with the Internet of Everything

Comprehensively tsim lub ntiaj teb ntse nrog internet ntawm txhua yam

Txuas cov duab zoo nkauj ntawm lub neej yav tom ntej ntse ntiaj teb, Raws li neeg ntiaj teb ua tus neeg zov me nyuam wireless sib txuas lus modules thiab solutions, MeiG Smart siv 5G +AIoT modules Empower txhiab industries thiab pab tag nrho tej yam uas txuas ntse.

Nyob rau hauv daim teb ntse cockpit, Cov MeiG ntse 5G ntse cockpit tov yog tsim raws li tus mas integrated Qualcomm SoC platform, uas txhawb kev sib sib zog nqus customization ntawm lub kaw lus Android, ib tug tub ntxhais txuj kev ncau ntau txuj kev ntsuam xyuas, HUD, DMS, 360-kawm ntawv surround saib, ADAS, precise suab zoo noj, Continuous Voice recognition thiab lwm cov kev txawj ntse pab tsheb tuam txhab uas muag tsim ntse cov cockpits. Tib lub sijhawm, taxi/online car-hailing ntse davhlau ya nyob twg, ntse ruaj ntseg thiab algorithm terminals, Thiab ntse Android loj-screen tsheb tshuab yuav accelerate lub intelligentization thiab networking tsheb thiab empower ntau ntse mus txawv tebchaws scenarios.

Tsis tas li ntawd, Qhov tseeb tiam ntawm 5G R16 car-qib module MA925 ntawm MeiG Smart yog tseem unveiled ntawm tus exhibition. No koob modules txhawb C-V2X muaj nuj nqi, Siv PC5 Mode4 hom kev sib txuas lus, txhawb high-precision positioning, thiab muaj ntau computing fais fab ntawm 22K DMIPS, Uas yuav ua tau ntau yam ntaub ntawv uas yuav tsum tau siv Internet ntawm Tsheb. Tib lub sijhawm, Tus Hypervisor mechanism yog nkag tau kom zoo tag nrho ruaj ntseg thiab usability ntawm lub cev.

Saib raws satellite naiskhu, MeiG Smart exhibited ib satellite sib txuas lus ntse positioning davhlau ya nyob twg. Cov tshuaj siv Qualcomm 9205S hom, txhawb 5G NB IoT, Cat.M thiab ob-txoj kev satellite txuas, thiab yuav twb paub lawm tej thaj chaw deb raws li txoj cai xyuas, Cov ntaub ntawv transmission thiab high-precision positioning nyob rau hauv tej teeb liab nyob ib ncig ntawm lub ntiaj teb.

Nyob rau hauv lub 5G/4G FWA tov exhibition cheeb tsam, MeiG Smart tso tawm kom pom muaj ntau tus kheej tsim CPE, MiFi, ODU, IDU, thiab BOX solutions los tsim kom muaj kev sib txuas lus zoo rau lub tsev, enterprise, industrial, thiab cov neeg siv khoom siv scenarios.

FWA no kuj yog ib scenario tshiab scenario rau 5G RedCap applications. MeiG Smart 5G RedCap CPE tov SRT835 txhawb 2.4G/5G dual-qhab concurrency thiab muaj ntau dua kom zoo dua nyob rau hauv kev kawm. Muaj ib tug streamlined lawv architecture, Nws yuav txo tau cov nqi thiab txo qhov uas loj, Nqa ntau nqi zoo 5G kev.

Saib raws cov khw muag khoom tshiab, MeiG Smart yuav tsim ib personalized thiab customized nyiaj raws li txawv scenarios, Thiab pab cov neeg muas zaub hauv lub khw muag khoom kev lag luam nrog khw muag khoom tshiab xws li ntsej muag recognition nyiaj, ntse nyiaj ntsuab sau npe davhlau ya nyob twg, pos, 4G/5G code scanning handheld davhlau ya nyob twg, thiab lwm yam. Twb paub lawm integrated tswj thiab cov lag luam, txo nqi thiab nce efficiency.

Ntawm ib era era ntawm ntse sib txuas ntawm tag nrho tej yam, tsav industrial upgrading nrog "sib txuas + laij fais fab" Kuj yog ib txoj kev tseem ceeb los twb paub lawm cov txawj ntse. Nrog 5G+AIoT tshuab ua tus tub ntxhais, MeiG Smart yuav tsaug cultivate daim ntawv thov scenarios ntawm cov neeg uas nrog ib tug neeg, Pab lub innovation thiab upgrading ntawm IoT terminals, Thiab ua lub foundation builder rau cov digital thiab ntse transformation ntawm enterprises.

Sau ntawv cia

Koj qhov chaw nyob yuav tsis raug luam tawm. Yuav tsum tau teb yog cim *