China's Beidou and 5G Technology Convergence

Tuam Tshoj Beidou + 5G Integration thiab Internet ntawm txhua yam

Tuam Tshoj Beidou + 5G Integration thiab Internet ntawm txhua yam. Tav su ntawm lub yim hli ntuj 25, 2023, Beijing Unicom thiab Beijing lub koom haum ntawm naiskhu jointly tuav ib tshwj xeeb lecture rau lub "Tshuab Innovation lecture nrog" nrog lawv ""Beidou + 5G" Integration thiab internet ntawm txhua yam".

Tuam Tshoj Beidou + 5G Integration thiab Internet ntawm txhua yam

Tav su ntawm lub yim hli ntuj 25, 2023, Beijing Unicom thiab Beijing lub koom haum ntawm naiskhu jointly tuav ib tshwj xeeb lecture rau lub "Tshuab Innovation lecture nrog" nrog lawv ""Beidou + 5G" Integration thiab internet ntawm txhua yam".

No lecture caw Deng Zhongliang, Ib tug xibfwb ntawm Beijing University of Posts thiab Telecommunications thiab academician ntawm tus International Eurasian Academy of Sciences, muab ib tug qhuab qhia. Liu Huaxue, deputy general tus thawj tswj ntawm Beijing Unicom, Nwsng Zilong, secretary-general ntawm Beijing lub koom haum ntawm naiskhu thiab lwm cov thawj coj kawm cov qhuab qhia.

China's Beidou and 5G Technology Convergence - China Beidou + 5G Integration and Internet of Everything

Tuam Tshoj tus Beidou thiab 5G Tshuab Convergence - Tuam Tshoj Beidou + 5G Integration thiab Internet ntawm txhua yam


Nraud 3 200 Cov neeg sawv cev ntawm kev scientific thiab tshuab cov neeg ua hauj lwm los ntawm enterprises thiab cov koom haum hauv txoj kev ua lag luam hauv Beijing koom hauv txoj kev tshawb no. Deputy General tus thawj tswj Liu Huaxue tauj cov lus qhib hais lus thiab xaus lus ntawm cov hoob kawm.

China's Beidou and 5G technology integration realizes the combination of things and the Internet - Internet of Things

Tuam Tshoj tus Beidou thiab 5G tshuab integration twb paub lawm thaum lawv tseem muaj tej yam thiab hauv Internet - Internet ntawm tej yam


Deputy General tus thawj tswj Liu Huaxue rov xyuas txoj kev loj hlob ntawm txoj kev loj hlob ntawm txoj kev "Science thiab Tshuab Innovation Lecture nrog", Thiab affirmed tias cov qauv nrog tau ua si ib lub luag hauj lwm tseem ceeb nyob rau hauv kev siv cov "Beijing Scientific zoo Outline", kev paub txog kev paub, muab rau neeg noj txoj kev txhim kho ntawm txoj kev kawm thiab kev siv tshuab neeg ua hauj lwm, txhawb nqa lub hwj huam dawb huv, thiab advocating scientific ethics.

Tib lub sijhawm, los ntawm cov qhuab qhia nrog, Cov scientific thiab tshuab exchanges ntawm enterprises thiab kev tshawb fawb kev tshawb fawb, enterprises thiab tebchaws muaj tau ntau zog, pab enterprises cov scientific thiab tshuab talents loj hlob sai, thiab txhawb lub transformation thiab siv cov kev kawm thiab kev siv tshuab achievements.

Muaj zog scientific thiab tshuab innovation cua muaj tau tsim nyob rau hauv lub enterprise uas respects paub, advocates innovation, thiab hwm cov txuj ci thiab kev siv tshuab txuj ci.

Xib feb Deng Zhongliang piav tias Beidou + 5G integration kuj yog ib feem tseem ceeb ntawm lub nruab nrab thiab mus sij hawm ntev kev loj hlob ntawm lub teb chaws navigation kev lag luam, Thiab kuj yog tus txhawj xeeb tshaj plaws hotspot hauv lub mobile Internet era thiab ntse haiv neeg.

Nws kuj analyzed txoj kev loj hlob xav tau thiab kev sib tw ntawm Beidou + 5G integration, Teem rau tib wireless network (3G/4G/5G mobile sib txuas lus network) high-precision positioning, txuj kev ncau ntau hom network fusion high-reliability positioning, Chaw-av integrated ntse seamless positioning, Cheeb tsam tsev nyob sab nraum zoov thiab sab nraum qhov chaw loj thiab industrial applications, thiab lwm yam. Hauv kev tshawb fawb achievements thiab txoj kev kawm ntawm cov "Xihe" ib tes num.

China Beidou Technology - 5G Communication Technology

Tuam Tshoj Beidou Technology - 5G Communication Technology


Thaum kawg, Deputy General tus thawj tswj Liu Huaxue ua ib txoj kev summary ntawm cov hoob kawm thiab expressed nws gratitude rau xibfwb Deng rau nws zoo sib koom.

Nws vam tias tus "Science thiab Technology Innovation Lecture" yuav broaden lub horizons ntawm kev scientific thiab tshuab neeg ua hauj lwm, arouse resonance, Thiab ua feem ntau cadres thiab cov neeg ua hauj lwm tag nrho tej yam txaus siab rau kev scientific thiab tshuab innovation.

Beidou Navigation thiab Internet ntawm tej yam tshuab

1. Raws li Beidou nkag mus rau lub ntiaj teb no era, Yuav ua li cas kuv lub teb chaws tseem txhawb txoj kev loj hlob ntawm Beidou?

Txoj kev loj hlob ntawm Beidou kev lag luam muaj cuab kev kom zoo dua, Thiab cov coordinated thiab integrated leapfrog kev loj hlob muaj tau pom tau hais tias. Lub tswvyim ntawm Beidou Satellite Navigation lawv Beidou Satellite Navigation no lawv yog ywj siab tsim los ntawm kuv lub teb chaws.

nyob rau hauv 2003, Kuv lub teb chaws ua tiav lub Beidou satellite navigation xyaum ua tej yam uas lub regional navigation functions, Thiab ces pib tsim ib Beidou satellite navigation lawv muab rau neeg noj lub ntiaj teb.

Lub Beidou Satellite Navigation system yog ib tug kheej ua ywj siab satellite navigation lawv tau DVR nyob rau hauv kuv lub teb chaws. Nws yog ib qho tseem ceeb lub teb chaws infrastructure uas muab tagnrho-huab cua, all-time, high-precision positioning, navigation thiab sij hawm poob kev pab rau cov neeg siv ntiaj teb no.

Beidou kev lag luam saw tsom xam Beidou kev lag luam saw hlau yog tag, Tub rog kev lag luam: neeg peg xeem siv 35%: 65%.

Lub Beidou satellite navigation kev lag luam saw hlau yuav muab faib ua tsib qhov tseem ceeb txuas:

(1) Satellite manufacturing;
(2) Satellite tso;
(3) khoom siv;
(4) Satellite navigation daim ntawv thov;
(5) Downstream lag luam.

Thaum tam sim no, Lub Beidou navigation lawv mas siv nyob rau hauv cov tub rog lag luam, industrial lag luam thiab huab hwm coj lag luam.

2. Siv Beidou?

(1) Hais lus luv luv. Tus neeg siv davhlau ya nyob twg ntawm lub Beidou lawv muaj ib ob-txoj kev sib txuas lus, thiab tus neeg siv yuav xa 4060 Suav cim luv lus ib lub sij hawm.

(2) Precise sij hawm poob. Lub Beidou lawv muaj ib precise sij hawm poob hauj lwm, Uas yuav muab cov neeg siv sij hawm synchronization accuracy ntawm 20 ns thiab ns 100 ns.

(3) Txaus qhia accuracy: Lub horizontal accuracy yog 100m (1σ), Thiab nws yog 20m tom qab teem lub chaw nres tsheb calibration (zoo ib yam li lub xeev sib txawv).

(4) Cov neeg siv uas lawv yuav haum raws li, cov neeg siv/teev.

(5) Cov tub rog functions ntawm lub Beidou Satellite navigation thiab positioning lawv zoo ib yam li cov GPS, Xws li cov positioning thiab navigation ntawm mus phiaj lub hom phaj;

3. Lub Beidou lawv kuj yog cov coob navigation lawv nyob hauv lub ntiaj teb. Lub sij hawm tuaj txog ntawm 5G "ntxiv tis" Beidou?

Qhov zoo paub 5G network era tau los txog. Cov kev kawm ntawm 5G ntawd network speed, muaj peev xwm, Thiab teeb liab qeeb lawm zoo tuaj.

Internet ntawm tej yam uas muaj internet (Internet ntawm tej yam), AI artificial txoj kev ntse thiab VR virtual kev muaj tiag tshuab yuav heev hloov qhov uas peb ua hauj lwm thiab ua si. Teeb liab cov kev pab yog tseem dominated los ntawm qhov siv hauv pem teb puag noj. Lub beidou lawv twb tau lug siv nyob rau hauv lub neej kev, thiab sawv daws lub neej yog zoo hais txog nws.

Lub Beidou lawv twb tau siv nyob rau ntau teb ntawm cov neeg livelihood, xws li municipal tswj, tsheb thauj mus los, kev tiv thaiv thiab mitigation, cawm, Security, thiab lwm yam.

Txoj kev loj hlob sib loj-teev daim ntawv thov ntawm Beidou yog cuab kev. Lub Beidou Satellite navigation lawv consists ntawm peb qhov chaw: qhov chaw ya, Hauv pem teb ya thiab tus neeg siv ya, thiab yuav muab precision, high-reliability positioning, navigation thiab sij hawm poob kev pab rau ntau cov neeg thoob ntiaj teb.

Lub Beidou lawv yog tsis mob heev tshaj cov American GPS. Lub sij hawm tuaj txog ntawm 5G yuav coj ib tug qauv tshiab thiab qhov chaw rau lub Beidou lawv, thiab ntxiv npog satellite navigation rau tej thaj chaw deb roob, suab puam, dej hiav txwv thiab lwm thaj chaw.

4. Li cas haib yog lub Beidou navigation lawv?

Lub Beidou navigation lawv yuav tau summed nyob rau hauv ib lo lus ua "Phaw". Nyuj yog nyuj? Txoj hauj lwm accuracy ntawm lub beidou lawv yog tsis pub dhau 8m hauv cov kev taw qhia vertical thiab tsis pub dhau 4m hauv lub horizontal kev taw qhia. Beidou navigation muaj precision, reliability, kev ruaj ntseg thiab versatility.

precision, Beidou yuav muab cov kev pab cuam centimeter-theem, decimeters thiab submeters tsis yog ib qho teeb meem; ruaj ntseg, Beidou Satellite ntiaj teb no navigation lawv adopts ntau reliability "kho kom zoo ntxiv" Ntsuas kom maximize qhov zoo tshaj yuav ntawm lub cev.

Txhim khu kev qha, Beidou Navigation muab ib lub ntiaj teb no cov kev pab them nqi lawv. Nws muaj nws 20 satellites ua hauj lwm tib lub sijhawm, Nws yog txhim khu kev qha thiab versatile dua ib zaug xwb-satellite lub nruab. Piv txwv, thaum fishermen tawm mus hiav txwv ntses, Qhov chaw thiab nrhiav cov ntses tsev kawm ntawv muaj tam sim no tau siv.

5. Uas logistics teb yog Beidou tshuab mas siv nyob rau hauv kuv lub teb chaws?

Tuam Tshoj Beidou-4/ mas siv nyob rau hauv cov tom qab logistics teb: Beidou empowers UAV logistics: Thov Beidou rau UAV davhlau xyuas yuav zoo heev UAV txoj hauj lwm thiab xyuas.

(1) Muab qhov chaw real-time precise qhov chaw thiab navigation cov lus qhia rau drones;
(2) Ho txhim kho cov reliability ntawm UAV navigation;
(3) Beidou SMS enables UAV logistics thaum muaj xwm ceev tuav;
(4) Strengthen human-machine ntaub ntawv txauv.

Nws siv los laij tus cwj pwm ntawm tus cab kuj; Tus accelerometer ntsuas cov linear acceleration ntawm peb axes ntawm cov khoom, Uas yuav siv tau los laij cov velocity thiab txoj hauj lwm ntawm tus cab kuj.

Combining satellite navigation thiab inertial navigation yuav ua kom tag nrho siv cov kom zoo dua inertial navigation lawv, Xws li high-term accuracy ntawm navigation satellites, tsis muaj lwm cuam tshuam, mus sij hawm ntev, li ntawd., overcome inertia-.

Plaug Beidou cov ntaub ntawv rau hauv lub DAVhlau UAV davhlau tswj platform yuav hloov GPS teeb liab muab navigation tseem ceeb navigation thiab qhov chaw rau UAV davhlau, thiab yuav muab ib ruaj khov, txhim khu kev qha thiab tswj platform.

6. Canidou Navigation Network hloov Intel Internet?

Navigation Network thiab Intel Mutual networking yog ob lub tswvyim sib txawv. Muaj ntau cov lus qhia nyob rau hauv internet, Thiab cov navmesh yog ib tug generic ib. Kuv tsis xav tias nws yuav hloov Intel Mutual networking, Vim txhua network muaj nws lub ntsiab lus thiab pros thiab cons.

Irreplaceable, Vim navigation no tsuas hais txog kev mus txawv tebchaws thiab tsis ncaj qha mus rau lwm yam kev ua ub no, Yog li ntawd, yog siv lub neej tsis txhob siv lub neej, nws yuav tsis meej pem. Ob lub tswvyim no txawv thiab tsis tau hloov sib.

Thawj Title: Academician Deng Zhongliang: "Beidou + 5G" Integration thiab Internet ntawm txhua yam.

Sau ntawv cia

Koj qhov chaw nyob yuav tsis raug luam tawm. Yuav tsum tau teb yog cim *