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How does the AI IOT visual configuration engine apply to IoT business scenarios?

How does the AI IOT visual configuration engine apply to IoT business scenarios? What are some examples of IoT applications in the enterprise? IoT examples, in the business application scenarios of the Internet of Things, visual configuration is an essential functional requirement.

How does the AI IOT visual configuration engine apply to IoT business scenarios?

Different industry scenarios require an intuitive visualization of the data collected by IoT devices and the status of business scenarios for users to analyze or make decisions.THE FUTURE OF IOT: Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things - What to Expect in 2023 - AI iot 2023

THE FUTURE OF IOT: Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things - What to Expect in 2023 - AI iot 2023


Functions such as process energy consumption monitoring, 3D scene construction, energy consumption trend scene alarm linkage, key equipment video access, key data mobile monitoring, planned energy consumption terminal distribution, energy data terminal confirmation, GIS map application, data analysis charts, etc. is a common user requirement.

For a series of industry needs, the visual configuration engine of the AI IOT4.0 Internet of Things platform, a set of visual tools to meet multiple scenarios, rich visual kanban and components, meet various process flow charts, data visualization needs, support 3D editing, graphics Drawing, diagram design.

1. Massive chart component resources

In the Internet of Things project, in the face of massive equipment data, it takes a lot of time for data processing and analysis to gain insight into the value.

The AI IOT platform provides complete data analysis visualization chart components, which can easily generate line charts, histograms, ring charts, pie charts, data tables and other data analysis components to present device data intuitively and comprehensively.

Various charts can be created by simple configuration and drag and drop, and the display effect of charts can be customized flexibly. At the same time, it supports secondary development and infinitely expands your component warehouse. The platform supports the use of custom component capabilities to encapsulate a self-created complex component into a complete component, and put it in the component library for self-use and sharing, which greatly improves the platform's ability to edit the entire screen.

2. Process flow visualization

In complex projects, it is necessary to monitor the operating status and process flow of equipment in real time, so as to monitor, analyze, optimize and control the process flow.IoT projects for beginners in 2023 - How does the AI IOT visual configuration engine apply to IoT business scenarios?

IoT projects for beginners in 2023 - How does the AI IOT visual configuration engine apply to IoT business scenarios?


The visual screen of the AI IOT platform has the ability to display thousands of data points in real time in seconds, and can smoothly display animation effects in the screen. At the same time, almost all elements can be bound to data to realize the seamless connection between data and screen elements.

3. GIS visualization management and control equipment

When the distribution of equipment is large and the location and trajectory data are complex, it is difficult to achieve overall control and display. The GIS component of the AI IOT platform supports device positioning and historical playback. AI IOT 4.0 realizes the drawing of points, lines, and surfaces, and can bind points, lines, surfaces and devices in real time, and supports data drilling, aggregation, splitting, and merging of points, lines, and surfaces.

4. Support multiple cameras and streaming media formats

In the Internet of Things project, it is necessary to centralize and unify the management of video streams in different areas to achieve real-time monitoring. However, due to the inconsistency of devices and protocols between regions, the huge number of video streams, and limited storage and network resources, centralized management of video streams is very difficult.arduino nano 33 iot example code - iot project

Arduino nano 33 iot example code - iot project


The AI IOT platform uses the powerful GO open source streaming media framework - MONIBUCA, which has the advantages of no plug-ins, low latency within two seconds, multiple playback formats, and the first to realize H264/H265 mode support. Support PTZ control and historical playback. Realize vendor-free agreements, such as: GB28181, GB37300, JT1078, Hikvision ISUP, ISC and other platform-level agreements.

5. 3D display capability

IoT projects often involve a large number of devices and sensors, which may be distributed in different locations and environments, and may have different forms and functions. In order to better monitor, manage, control and optimize these devices and sensors, we need to manage them visually through digital twins.

The AI IOT platform supports the import of common 3D models, and can bind and display attributes in the model. At the same time, the AI IOT platform has successfully connected with many mainstream digital twin platforms. Users can seamlessly connect the data of the digital twin platform to the AI IOT platform and continue to enjoy the functions and services of the AI IOT platform.

6. Screen playback

In the Internet of Things project, it is necessary to monitor and analyze the operation of the system. The conventional screen can only display the current status and data, and cannot look back at the historical screen and data. When the system is abnormal, it cannot restore the operating status when the problem occurs, resulting in Difficult to debug.

The AI IOT platform supports the screen playback function. By recording and playing back the system screen, the user can replay and view the graphical interface status when the system is running at a subsequent point in time. It is often used to monitor and analyze the operation of the system in order to detect problems, debug and optimize the system.

7. Industry case template

When the project involves multiple industries and scenarios, such as smart factories, smart cities, smart agriculture, etc. Each industry and scenario has its own characteristics and needs, and requires a customized visual interface to display and manage information such as equipment, data, and processes. However, the development cost of a customized visual interface is high, the cycle is long, and it is difficult to reuse. In order to solve this problem, the AI IOT platform accumulates rich assets in the industry and presets a large number of templates, which can be quickly reused and flexibly expanded among multiple projects, and batch replication can be quickly realized.

Application Scenarios of AI IOT Empowerment Projects

Digital twin 3D visualization construction

The AI IOT platform can be connected to 3dsworks to realize visual editing within the platform, flexibly access equipment models and collect and transmit data; set equipment icons, visual effects, etc., to build a smart chemical 3D visualization management platform.

Smart Park project 3D screen access data points

The AI IOT smart park management system efficiently collects data from various devices and systems through data collection devices and gateway devices, and realizes multi-dimensional management of equipment, lighting, multimedia, water, electricity and gas energy consumption, environmental monitoring, security, etc. in the park It provides all-round support in terms of data collection and intelligent management, helping park managers achieve the goals of efficient operation, energy saving and emission reduction, and safety and controllability.arduino nano 33 iot example code

arduino nano 33 iot example code

Smart water project process construction

The AI IOT smart water management system realizes water data platform, information management, and real-time dynamic monitoring capabilities. Based on the data center, the production operation, water quality, energy consumption, safety, equipment, personnel, etc. of the water plant are standardized and unified, and a multi-role, multi-dimensional leadership cockpit is established to support online monitoring of the operating conditions of multiple water plants and real-time monitoring. Indicator control, intuitive data display, and intelligent full-cycle management.

City Gas Internet of Things Visual Management

The AI IOT smart gas management system uses sensors to collect online detection data such as pipe pressure, pipe network scheduling, and gas meters to sense the operating status of the urban gas system in real time, integrates gas management and facilities in a visual way, and forms an urban gas Internet of Things. Massive information is analyzed and processed in a timely manner, and corresponding processing results and auxiliary decision-making suggestions are made to manage the entire production, transmission and distribution, service and other processes of the gas system in a more refined and dynamic manner, so as to achieve intelligent effects.

The AI IOT platform is also used in other industry applications to serve the visualization requirements, and at the same time meet the full-scenario application requirements such as data collection and control, data analysis, and business flow management. In the future, AI IOT will continue to adhere to technology and product innovation, continue to optimize the platform structure, enrich resources, improve core engine capabilities, empower more fields of project application scenarios, and help enterprises realize digital transformation.

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