407VGT6 F407 MCU Kawm Board - STM32F407VET6 Rooj Tswjhwm Saib Cov Rooj Tswjhwm Saib Cov Rooj Tswjhwm Saib - STM32 System Board - Tuam Tshoj IoT ntaus Manufacturer

ST Secure Connectivity, Industrial IoT - ST NFC nco thiab ruaj ntseg nti

ST Secure Connectivity, Industrial IoT - ST NFC nco thiab ruaj ntseg nti. Rau lub yim hli ntuj 15, 2023, Ntawm tus Shanghai Electronics qhia hauv Munich, Yuav muaj plaub loj lawv: ntse mus txawv tebchaws, power & energy, Internet ntawm tej yam, thiab interconnection.

ST Secure Connectivity, Industrial IoT - ST NFC nco thiab ruaj ntseg nti

Rau lub yim hli ntuj 15, 2023, Ntawm tus Shanghai Electronics qhia hauv Munich, Yuav muaj plaub loj lawv: ntse mus txawv tebchaws, hwj huam & zog, Internet ntawm tej yam, thiab interconnection.

Thaum lub just-xaus Shanghai Electronics qhia hauv Munich, STMicroelectronics (ST ST) Attracted ntau qhua nrog nws txoj hauj lwm koj txoj hauj lwm nyob rau hauv txoj kev ua lag luam semiconductor. No exhibition ST tsom rua cov plaub ntawm sustainable kev loj hlob, ntse mus txawv tebchaws, hwj huam & zog, Internet ntawm tej yam & interconnection.

Ua ntej internet ntawm tej yam thiab internet, Tus reporter peb Wang Pengfei, Khoom li cas rau tus thawj tswj ntawm STMicroelectronics cov kev ruaj ntseg thiab muaj feem rau lub tuam tsev. Tus thawj tswj Wang qhia li cas lub tuam txhab peb loj portfolios (NFC, STSAFE, eSIM) pab industrial Internet thiab ruaj ntseg mus .


407VGT6 F407 MCU Learning Board - STM32F407VET6 Development Board - STM32 System Board - China IoT Device Manufacturer

407VGT6 F407 MCU Kawm Board - STM32 F407VET6 Kev Loj Hlob Board - STM32 System Board - Tuam Tshoj IoT ntaus Manufacturer


Nyob rau hauv cov ntsiab lus teb ntawm accelerating industrial digitalization thiab ntse transformation, ntau yam davhlau ya nyob twg, instant messaging tshuab, Thiab ruaj ntseg sib txuas tshuab yog continuously integrated rau tag nrho cov nam ntawm txoj kev lag luam kom heev nce manufacturing efficiency, ua kom zoo tshaj, thiab txo nqi. Txoj kev hloov mus ntse manufacturing yuav tsum muaj zog semiconductor tshuab kev them nyiaj yug, xws li tsis zoo xwb tshuab thiab cov tshuaj, Tiam sis kuj yog ib tug ecosystem ecosystem. Tus thawj tswj Wang hais tias ST, Ua ib lub ntiaj teb-ua semiconductor tuam txhab, Tsis zoo xwb raws li lag luam thov, Tab sis kuj ua khoom nce ntau dua kom zoo dua nyob rau hauv sib txeeb sib txeeb.

STMicroelectronics Ruaj ntseg khoom lag luam, Yooj yim thiab ruaj ntseg sib txuas

Ua ib lub pioneers ntawm NFC tshuab, STMicroelectronics muab ntau hom nfc khoom, tag nrho, nyeem, thiab dynamic tags pab ntse tsev, kev lag luam, mobile them, Tsheb, Internet ntawm tej yam, wireless them thiab lwm teb. Ua ib short-range wireless sib txuas lus tshuab, NFC tshuab muaj nws ruaj ntseg kom zoo dua, convenience, ceev sib txuas, thiab tus nqi tsawg tshaj nkaus. Noj ST25NFC ua ib qho piv txwv, Hauv cov khoom no mas ruaj ntseg thiab ruaj khov, thiab siv tau ntau yam IoT daim ntawv thov.

NFC ntawm ze teb sib txuas lus rau Wireless them

keeb kwm, NFC yog tsuas siv rau ze-teb sib txuas lus, Tab sis tam sim no nws yuav ncua rau low-power wireless them ntaub ntawv. Thaum lub booth, Ib NFC wireless them cov tshuaj ntawd mas txhawj xeeb. Tus transmitter ntawm cov tshuaj no yog configured rau tus nqi puag, Siv cov NFC ST25R3916B nyeem ntawv, Thiab cov receiver siv cov ST25DV04KC NFC dynamic tag nrho. Tib coil yuav siv tau rau ob cov ntaub ntawv transmission thiab zog ntes thiab sau rau roj teeb them.

Single-chip microcomputer - IC integrated circuit - STM32F103CBT6 electronic components distribution list - ST Secure Connectivity, Industrial IoT - ST NFC Memory and Security Chip

Single-nti microcomputer - IC integrated circuit Court - STM32F103CBT6 electronic components tis daim ntawv teev - ST Secure Connectivity, Industrial IoT - ST NFC nco thiab ruaj ntseg nti


Tib lub sijhawm, Tus thawj tswj Wang kuj tham txog qhov kom zoo dua st NFC wireless them. Nws muab tias NFC wireless them thawj theem zoo convenience rau cov neeg siv, thiab yuav them li tsis muaj ib lub cev ntsaws. Nws puas tsim nyog mentioning tias kom deb li deb wireless them muaj tsuas tau DVR nyob rau hauv ib tug xov tooj ntawm cov khoom nyob rau hauv txoj kev ua lag luam hluav taws xob, Feem ntau uas yuav tsum tau siv cov geometric geometric antennas, uas txwv txoj kev loj hlob ntawm cov ntaub ntawv uas tsis muaj hwj huam, thiab ST NFC wireless them cov tshuaj pab ntaus manufacturers muaj overcome no sib tw nrog ib cov kua uas yuav tsum tau me ntsis thiab yuav siv tau ib tug yooj ywm antenna PCB. Nws yog suitable rau daim ntawv thov scenarios tsis pub dhau 1 watt ntawm qhov tau txais kawg, Xws li TWS earphones, ntse rings, tsom iav ntse thiab lwm wearable li. Me thiab cheaper dua tsoos wireless them antennas. Tib lub sijhawm, Tsis muaj yuav tsum tau them cov ntsiab lus, Tsis txhob muaj teeb meem xws li corrosion ntawm tsoos them cov ntsiab lus, thiab kuj muab ib channel rau cov ntaub ntawv transmission.

Rau manufacturers, wireless them siv NFC tshuab Yuav tau DVR nyob rau hauv cov khoom uas twb embed no functionality, Uas ntaus manufacturers simplify lub electronic thiab mechanical tsim cov khoom uas twb muaj lawm thiab txuag cov nqi. Ntaus manufacturers tsuas yuav tsum configure lawv li teev thiab txhais NFC ua ib txoj kev them rau lawv li lawm. Rau tus neeg siv, NFC wireless them kuj theem ntxiv yooj ywm thiab convenience rau tus neeg siv kawg, Uas lawv siv lawv smartphone ua ib backup hwj huam los them lwm txuas nrog NFC-enabled li.

STM32F031K4U6 Package QFN - Screen Printing F031K4 Original 32-bit Microcontroller Chip MCU - China IoT Device Manufacturer

STM32F031K4U6 pob QFN - Screen Printing F031K4 thawj 32-bit Microcontroller nti MCU - Tuam Tshoj IoT ntaus Manufacturer


TruST25 escorts ST NFC

Lub convenience ntawm NFC tau coj ntau cov kev pab cuam, thiab nws ruaj ntseg tsis tau ignored. Dab tsi ruaj ntseg ntsuas yog ST embed hauv nws tus kheej NFC nti? Thaum nws tawm los rau kev ruaj ntseg ntawm NFC chips, ST cov kos npe TruST25 yuav tsum tau hais. ST cov ntawv lo yog tiv thaiv tsis tau counterfeiting siv TruST25™ cov kos npe, Uas yog digitally kos npe los ntawm encryption. Yooj yim thiab reliably qhia cov authenticity ntawm RFID/NFC tags. yeej tseem zoo, Ib daim ntawv kos npe yog ib daim ntawv ruaj ntseg ntawm electronic kos npe uas xyuas kom lub sam xeeb txog cov ntsiab lus uas kos npe rau cov ntsiab lus thiab qhia nws keeb kwm. Siv UIDs nrog cov kos npe, daim ntawv lo manufacturers yuav xyuas kom meej tias embedded cov ntaub ntawv yog authentic. Tsis tas li ntawd, Daim ntawv lo manufacturers kuj siv cov kos npe los muab cov neeg muas zaub uas muaj ib txoj kev los xyuas kom meej tias cov ntawv lo rau ntawm cov ntawv lo rau txhua lub sij hawm, Sib koom tus thawj tswj Wang.

NFC yuav usher hauv ib txhob tshiab txhob nyob hauv Internet ntawm tej yam

Hauv lub era ntawm internet ntawm tej yam, Ntxiv thiab ntau li yuav tsum tau interconnected. Txawm tias WiFi, Bluetooth thiab lwm tshuab hauv wireless sib txuas lus kuj mainstream, Txoj kev loj hlob ntawm NFC xyoo tsis ntev los no kuj xav pom ua si ib lub luag hauj lwm ntau dua nyob rau ntau teb. Ua ib yooj yim thiab yooj yim-rau-siv luv-range wireless sib txuas lus tshuab, NFC yuav ntxiv ib lwm wireless sib txuas lus interface txuas nrog li ntawm ib tug nqi tsawg heev. Tsis tas li ntawd, Muaj ntau wireless sib txuas lus, xws li BT/BLE, WIFI, LORA, Zigbee, Xov, TEEB MEEM, ST tus NFC tag thiab dynamic tag nrho cov khoom yuav pab sai tsim kom muaj ib network sib txuas. Thiab nws simplifies complex network tis txoj kev. Piv txwv, muaj tsev ntse los yog ntse tsev, Txheej txheem xws li koob yees duab scanning feem ntau yuav tsum tau ua ntej, Tiam sis NFC yuav yooj yim txuas nrog ib kov.

STSAFE tiv thaiv industrial IoT ruaj ntseg teeb meem

Tsis tas li ntawd, Tus thawj tswj Wang kuj nkag tau rau STSAFE koob tej daim STMicroelectronics, Nws yog hauv kev ruaj ntseg ntawm cov khoom uas muab authentication, tsis pub leej twg paub thiab platform integrity services, uas yuav tiv thaiv tau OEMs ntawm cloning, counterfeiting, malware txhaj thiab unauthorized ntau lawm ua txhaum.

STM32F407VET6 Development Board - STM32 System Board

STM32F407VET6 Rooj Tswjhwm Saib Cov Rooj Tswjhwm Saib Cov Rooj Tswjhwm Saib - STM32 System Board


Tsis tas li ntawd, Nws daim ntawv thov nyob rau hauv lub networked huab ntaus davhlau ya nyob twg muaj nws kom zoo dua, kev sib txuas lus, Li ntawd, cov kev pab raws li kev cob cog rua cov khoom yuav tsis cuam tshuam dab tsi malicious khoom los yog cov ntaub ntawv manipulation thaum transmission.

Tus STSAFE-A110 yog qhov tseeb STSAFE-A ruaj ntseg caij, Uas ntseg lub xeev-ntawm-tus-daim duab ruaj ntseg nta los tiv thaiv counterfeiting ntawm genuine peripherals thiab IoT li. Lwm cov tshuaj tso tawm los ntawm ST hauv no exhibition yog qhov ruaj ntseg thiab los tiv thaiv counterfeiting tov rau cov-contact printer ink cartridges. Tus consumable cartridge kawg ntawm no tov adopts STSAFE-A110 ruaj ntseg nti rau authentication thiab los tiv thaiv counterfeiting. STSAFE-A110 hardware raws li CC EAL5 + daim ntawv pov thawj thiab yuav muab kev tiv thaiv raws li cov neeg muas zaub-customized cov kev pab. ST yuav pab cov neeg muas zaub hlawv daim ntawv pov thawj no rau hauv qhov ruaj ntseg nti hauv ST txoj kev ruaj ntseg hoobkas. Tsis tas li ntawd, Cov tshuaj kuj siv NFC wireless them tshuab, Nrog kev pab los ntawm ST25NFC twb paub lawm wireless transmission ntawm cov ntaub ntawv thiab zog, thiab kiag li tshem tawm wired hu, tsis yooj yim yuav eavesdropped thiab tawg. Piv nrog rau cov tshuaj hu rau cov tshuaj, Nws yuav zoo overcome cov teeb meem ntawm kev twb kev txuas reliability los ntawm kev sib cuag thiab vibration. Tej daim kuj siv tau nyob rau hauv hluav taws xob roj teeb, txawb xov tooj txawb roj teeb, li ntawd., Xyuas kom meej tias cov neeg siv txoj kev siv genuine thiab kev ruaj ntseg consumables. Tsis tas li ntawd, Tus WPC Wireless them Consortium tso ib enhanced wireless them txheem qi2, uas yuav tsum tau tias tag nrho li txhawb wireless them saum toj no 5 watts yuav tsum tau embedded nrog ib nti ruaj ntseg nti, Uas yuav coj tshiab breakthroughs nyob rau hauv txoj kev loj hlob ntawm STSAFE. Lag luam kev koom tes nrog cov lus qhia txog DasApp: +8618062443671

Cov-hu printer ink cartridge ruaj ntseg los tiv thaiv counterfeiting tswvyim

Txhaum cai li accessing lub network thiab tampering nrog lub firmware software ntawm li rau lub network yuav ua rau kev puas tsuaj loj thiab unbearable yuav tshwm rau lub network thiab cov li lawm nyob rau hauv nws. Yog li ntawd, vim, muaj zog authentication ntawm li yog ib qho tseem ceeb heev. STSAFE-A yog ib cov kua optimized rau embedded lub nruab, xyuas kom muaj zog, kev ruaj ntseg channel lag luam thiab ruaj ntseg cia cov ntaub ntawv los tiv thaiv kev dag ntxias los yog counterfeiting. Cov no yog cov tseem ceeb hais rau cov neeg tau tsim lawv hom ecosystems.

stsafe-a110, turnkey tov rau hom kev tiv thaiv thiab embedded lawv ruaj ntseg

Tsim kom muaj kev ruaj ntseg thiab ntseeg lub nruab, ST muaj ib txheej ruaj ntseg Elements npog ntau yam ntaub ntawv los ntawm embedded platforms rau gateways thiab servers. Integrating lub STSAFE ruaj ntseg caij rau cov tsim thiab txuas nrog cov STSAFE rau tus tsim txoj kev pab authenticate tus ntaus ntawv thiab xyuas platform integrity thiab cov ntaub ntawv tsis pub leej twg paub.

Yooj yim hloov network cov neeg zov me nyuam nrog eSIM

Lwm yam khoom hais los ntawm tus thawj tswj Wang yog ST4SIM, Uas yog st tus thawj GSMA-certified eSIM (embedded SIM) muaj industrial thiab Internet ntawm tej yam thiab automobiles. Tus eSIM muag rau lub PCB, Tshwj xeeb tshaj yog rau tej daim ntawv thov industrial. Nyob rau hauv lub scene ntawm vibration, Qhov khoom no yog solid thiab txhim khu kev qha. ST4SIM muab ib ncua thiab ruaj ntseg cellular sib txuas uas yuav tau integrated rau ntau yam, enabling industrial khoom txuas nrog lub network nyob rau lub sij hawm tiag thiab yooj yim hloov mus txawv network cov neeg zov me nyuam, Xyuas kom cov stability ntawm qhov zoo sib xws thaum ruaj ntseg khoom vaj khoom tsev kev ruaj ntseg. Nws puas tsim nyog ntsoov teev tias cov tiam tshiab ntawm ST4SIM-2011 yog ib yam khoom uas muaj ntawv pov thawj los ntawm GSMA UICC ruaj ntseg pab, Uas yog tshwj xeeb tshaj yog siv rau M2M sib txuas lus thiab yuav tau txuas nrog 5G ywj siab network.

caij ntuj sov, Kev ruaj ntseg thiab smooth sib txuas yog valued hauv industrial transformation. ST ST, Ua ib lub ntiaj teb-ua semiconductor supplier, Muab cov neeg siv cov tshuab thiab cov tshuaj nyob rau hauv daim teb ntawm industrial ruaj ntseg sib txuas nrog NFC, STSAFE, thiab eSIM ua tus tub ntxhais. Qhov tsis pom kev zoo ntawm STMicroelectronics yog ua qhov zoo sib xws ntawm internet ntawm tej yam yooj yim thiab yooj yim dua los ntawm no koob ntawm tej daim, thiab ua Internet ruaj ntseg ntxiv.

Tuam Tshoj tus xov xwm tseeb: blockbuster khoom tshiab nkag mus rau lub lag luam high-end industrial lag luam

Entering 2023, manufacturers at all levels of the industrial chain in the industrial control market under the background of Industry 4.0 will make full efforts to continuously accelerate the innovation of industrial manufacturing in the direction of digitalization, intelligence, and green development. According to Prismark statistics, the compound annual growth rate of the global industrial control market from 2019 mus rau 2023 is 3%, and it is estimated that the global industrial control market will reach US$260 billion in 2023. Tsis tas li ntawd, according to statistics from Yole Development, the market size of NOR Flash in the memory segment will be 3.5 billion US dollars in 2021, and it is expected to grow to 4.9 billion US dollars in 2027, with an average annual compound growth rate of about 6%. It is foreseeable that MCU chips, embedded memories, thiab lwm yam. are the core components in the field of industrial control, and the market demand continues to rise. Many upstream manufacturers are also scrambling to be the first to launch products with higher performance and higher reliability to seize the market. Tshuab.

Thaum sawv 1 2023 Munich Shanghai Electronics Show held in July, the industry-leading semiconductor device supplier GigaDevice (hereinafter referred to as GigaDevice) has a product layout based on memory, microcontrollers, sensors and power chips, and displayed 50 The latest solution of the remaining money, among which the industrial theme exhibition area is to provide industry empowerment around the current popular industrial control, green energy and other market applications, and compete with a large number of domestic and foreign manufacturers on the spot.

GD32H7 new debut, ultra-high-end domestic MCU aimed at the industrial market

The first to bear the brunt is naturally the blockbuster new product - GD32H7 series. The GD32H7 series is the first domestic MCU product based on the Arm® Cortex®-M7 core launched by GigaDevice in May 2023. The main frequency can reach up to 600MHz, with up to 4MB of on-chip Flash and 1MB of SRAM. Coupled with memory and 64KB L1-Cache cache, and integrated hardware DSP, double-precision FPU, hardware trigonometric function accelerator TMU and filtering algorithm accelerator FAC and other functions, these built-in resources can greatly improve processing efficiency and real-time performance. In practical application scenarios, such as the realization of precise direction displacement and action sequence of industrial robots, li ntawd., it is required to control the motor with more complex, finer and lower delay. GD32H7 can calmly deal with MCU performance, functions, kev kawm tiag, interface speed, thiab lwm yam. new challenges posed. Various product purchases, business cooperation contact information WhatsApp: +8618062443671

Thaum tam sim no, with the rise of emerging applications such as Industry 4.0, photovoltaics, and energy storage, GigaDevice is actively deploying and making continuous efforts, breaking through the traditional pattern and technical barriers of the semiconductor market for industrial applications, and has achieved a considerable market share, indicating that the local Manufacturers' chip design capabilities for high-end, kev kawm ntawv qib siab, and high-reliability requirements are moving towards the first-line echelon, and they have gained the confidence and strength of long-term market verification in many vertical applications.

Rocker MG995 - Biped Robot - Manipulator Remote Control Car - 55G Wheel Steering Gear

Rocker MG995 - Biped Robot - Manipulator Remote Control Car - 55G Wheel Steering Gear


The staff at the booth said that new infrastructure, dual-carbon and other fields are one of the key industries that GigaDevice has been focusing on and planning for a long time. In order to meet this new wave of renewable energy, GigaDevice continues to develop product lines such as memory, microcontrollers, and power chips, and is committed to creating a complete product ecological layout, accelerating customer and market verification, and accumulating industry application experience, so as to serve the customers. The incremental market that is gaining momentum injects the source of innovation.

Sau ntawv cia

Koj qhov chaw nyob yuav tsis raug luam tawm. Yuav tsum tau teb yog cim *