Baidu AI khoom - EdgeBoard sib xeem khiav tsheb (Qhia Tsab Ntawv Edition)

20 Internet ntawm tej yam (IoT) Tuam txhab uas muag teev nyob rau hauv cov 2023 "hmoov zoo" Tuam Tshoj saum toj kawg nkaus 500

20 Internet ntawm tej yam (IoT) Tuam txhab uas muag teev nyob rau hauv cov 2023 "hmoov zoo" Tuam Tshoj saum toj kawg nkaus 500

Keywords: Teev tuam txhab kev kawm Internet ntawm tej yam, iot teev tuam txhab uas muag

Noj cov kev kawm ntawm cov coob suav teev nyob hauv lub ntiaj teb rau hauv kev xav nyob rau hauv lub xyoo dhau los no, "hmoov zoo" Nyuam qhuav txiav txim daim ntawv saum toj kawg nkaus 500 Suav teev tuam txhab uas muag nyob rau hauv 2023.

Tag nrho cov nyiaj tau los ntawm cov nyiaj tau los ntawm qhov 500 Suav teev tuam txhab uas muag rau daim ntawv mus txog 65.8 trillion yuan, nrog ib nqa nyiaj ntawm 4.7 trillion yuan. Cov nyiaj tau los Harbor ntawm lub tuam txhab uas muag teev yog ze ntawm 23.7 kuj yuan.

Ntawm lawv, nraud 20 Tuam txhab uas muag hauv Internet ntawm tej yam kev lag luam saw hlau (xws li artificial txoj kev ntse) sau npe rau daim ntawv teev npe, nrog rau tag nrho cov nyiaj tau los ntawm kev khiav hauj lwm 3.86 trillion yuan.

Nyob rau hauv cov txheej txheem ntawm internet ntawm tej yam, nraud 5 Tuam txhab uas muag tau shortlisted. Goertek ranked 129th, Xiamen Cinda ranked 145th, Hikvision ranked 162nd, Tshav ntuj Optical ranked 378th, Thiab Dahua Technology ranked 409th.Baidu AI Products - EdgeBoard Racing Car (Teaching Edition)

Hauv Internet ntawm tej yam network txheej txheem, nraud 8 Tuam txhab uas muag tau shortlisted. Tuam Tshoj mobile ranks 8th, Tuam Tshoj Telecom ranks 30th, Tuam Tshoj Unicom ranks 39th, ZTE ranks 115th, Cov Suav teb ranks 123rd, Tuam Tshoj ntauwd ranks 151st, Inspur ranks 198th, FiberHome Communication ranks 404th.

Nyob rau hauv daim ntawv thov IoT, nraud 7 Tuam txhab uas muag tau shortlisted. Lus dab neeg Holdings ranked 28th, Xiaomi Group ranked 49th, Haier Smart tsev ranked 56th, Baidu Group ranked 113th, Sichuan Changhong ranked 150th, Thiab Transfar Zhilian ranked 344th.


Goertek shares

Daim ntawv tshaj tawm qhia tau hais tias nyob rau hauv 2022, Goertek yuav txawj ntau txhawb txoj kev loj hlob ntawm precision components xws li acoustics, optics, microelectronics, thiab qauv, As Well as emerging ntse hardware lag luam xws li virtual/augmented kev muaj tiag, ntse wireless headphones, ntse wearables, ntse tsev, Thiab cuag precision tag nrho cov nyiaj tau los ntawm lub lag luam component, Ntse acoustic tshuab lag luam thiab ntse hardware lag luam hlob ho. Cov nyiaj tau los txhua xyoo yog 104.894 kuj yuan.iot devices - 20 Internet of Things (IoT) listed companies listed in the 2023 "Fortune" China Top 500

iot li - 20 Internet ntawm tej yam (IoT) Tuam txhab uas muag teev nyob rau hauv cov 2023 "hmoov zoo" Tuam Tshoj saum toj kawg nkaus 500

Thawj ib nrab ntawm 2023, Vim tej yam uas macroeconomic thiab kev lag luam yam, Tus thov nyob rau hauv lub lag luam davhlau ya nyob twg yog insufficient. The sales of the company's smart acoustic complete machine business and some smart hardware businesses are lower than expected. The company's net profit is expected to be 333 tsheej lab 499 vam yuan.

Xiamen Xinda

Internet ntawm tej lag luam ya ntawm Xiamen Xinda tsom rua electronic daim ntawv lo ua hauj lwm thiab ntse nroog lag luam. R&D thiab manufacturing ntawm hardware khoom.

nyob rau hauv 2022, the company's Internet of Things business segment will achieve revenue of 412 vam yuan, Uas cov profitability ntawm lub lag luam electronic yuav ua rau kom ho, thiab ib xyoos twg nqa nyiaj yuav 42.2761 vam yuan, Ib xyoo nce ntawm xyoo nce 16.49%.

Cinda IoT yeej lub 2022 "Hnub qub ntawm IoT" China's top 100 Internet ntawm tej yam enterprises hauv lub "Hnub qub ntawm IoT" China's IoT industry annual selection, thiab tau muab "IoT lone" Hauv lub 18th IOTE International Internet ntawm tej yam Expo hauv 2022 IOTE kub puav pheej" rau cov khoom innovative thiab lwm yam honors.Zigbee human body motion infrared sensor - PIR sensor manufacturer

Zigbee tib neeg lub cev tsab ntawv tsa suab infrared sensor - PIR sensor manufacturer



Hikvision's business covers 5 pawg software thiab hardware khoom, Nrog IoT sensing khoom, Nws yooj yim tshaj plaws, platform qhov kev pab cuam, cov ntaub ntawv thiab cov kev pab cuam uas siv rau cov khoom. Muaj ntau tshaj 30,000 cov khoom uas npog 10 industries loj industries thiab ntau tshaj 70 sub-industries. ntau tshaj 300 subdivision scenes.

Lub tuam txhab muaj peb ua hauj lwm pawg: pej xeem kev pab cuam, enterprise lag luam pab pawg neeg, thiab nruab nrab-sized lag luam pab pawg neeg, Thiab raws li ntse tsev (EZVIZ Networks), mobile robots thiab tshuab 8 innovative lag luam camps, Xws li Hikvision), Automotive Electronics (Hikvision Automotive Electronics), Ntse Cia (Hikvision Storage), Ntse hluav taws kub tiv thaiv (Hikvision Firefighting), Ntse Ruaj ntseg soj ntsuam (Hikvision Ruiying), thiab Smart Healthcare (Hikvision Huiying).

2022 is the 21st year of Hikvision's establishment. Lub tuam txhab mas implements qhov uas zoo ntawm ntse IoT, Thiab siv tej kev xaav tshuab los pab neeg thiab tej yam uas yuav txuas thiab tsim lub foundation ntawm lub ntiaj teb ntse. Lub tuam txhab tiav tag nrho kev khiav hauj lwm nyiaj ntawm 83.166 kuj yuan thoob plaws hauv lub xyoo, nce 2.14% tib lub sijhawm dhau los.

Network layer--

Tuam Tshoj mobile

Tuam Tshoj mobile yog tam sim no cov kev sib txuas lus thiab cov ntaub ntawv muab kev pab nrog cov coob network teev thiab coob tus neeg muas zaub nyob hauv lub ntiaj teb.

The company's main business covers connection services such as mobile voice, SMS, MMS, wireless Internet access, thiab wired broadband; kev ua si xws li cov chaw zov me nyuam, huab computing, Cov ntsiab lus faib tes hauj lwm, thiab computing-network integration; thiab kev pab raws li txoj kev ntse artificial, cov ntaub ntawv loj, Internet ntawm tej yam uas muaj internet, Platforms, cov ntaub ntawv thiab cov tshuaj rau tom ntej-tiam tshuab muaj peev xwm xws li ruaj ntseg.IoT signal sensor plug manufacturers in China

IoT teeb liab sensor plug manufacturers nyob Suav teb


Raws li hlis ntuj nqeg 31, 2022, Tag nrho cov neeg ua hauj lwm ntawm lub tuam txhab mus txog 450,000, Tag nrho cov neeg muas zaub mobile cov neeg muas zaub mus txog 975 tsheej lab, Thiab tag nrho cov wired broadband cov neeg muas zaub mus txog 272 tsheej lab. nyob rau hauv 2022, Cov nyiaj tau los yuav mus txog RMB 937.259 tsheej lab. Ntawm lawv, the number of Internet of Things card customers in the company's government and enterprise market segment reached 1.06 tsheej lab, thiab Internet ntawm tej yam nyiaj tau los mus txog RMB 15.4 tsheej lab, Ib xyoo nce ntawm xyoo nce 35.5%.


As the world's leading provider of integrated communication and information technology solutions, ZTE muaj lag luam cov kev pab them nqi rau ntau tshaj 160 lub teb chaws thiab regions, muab rau neeg noj ntiaj teb no telecom tswv, Tsoom fwv thiab enterprise cov neeg muas zaub thiab tau txais kev pab.

nyob rau hauv 2022, Lub tuam txhab yuav hais rau R&D peev thiab tshuab innovation hauv lub tshuab tshuab teb. Ib teg, Nws yuav kub siab rau lub ICT teb, Xws li kev txhim kho cov efficiency ntawm spectrum thiab spectrum; accelerating network coj mus muag optimization thiab ywj siab evolution; Nqi optimization thiab ntau dua. Qhov txawv ntawd, Teb xws li industrial cov expansion, Peb yuav ua kom cov componentization thiab cov kev pab cuam ntawm cov peevxwm thiab domain capabilities, Thiab tseem innovate nyob ib ncig ntawm scenarios thiab cov lag luam tseem ceeb.M12-8 Pin Elbow - Metal Pin End PG7-9 - IoT Signal Sensor Plug

M12-8 Pin Luj tshib - Hlau pin kawg PG7-9 - IoT Signal Sensor Plug


nyob rau hauv 2022, ZTE's domestic and international markets, Thiab cov kev khiav hauj lwm nyiaj ntawm qhov peb loj lag luam ntawm tus neeg teb xov tooj tes hauj lwm, tsoom fwv thiab enterprise lag luam, Thiab cov neeg siv khoom yuav tag nrho cov kev loj hlob xyoo-rau-xyoo kev loj hlob. Ntawm lawv, Cov nyiaj tau los ntawm innovative lag luam uas muaj tuaj los ntawm "pab thiab cia, 5G kev lag luam daim ntawv thov, automotive electronics, cov zog, thiab ntse tsev" loj hlob sai, pw lub foundation rau lub smooth pib ntawm lub sij hawm xaiv yaam transcendence lub sij hawm. The company's annual operating income was 122.95 kuj yuan, Ib xyoo nce ntawm xyoo nce 7.36%, and the company's net profit was 8.08 kuj yuan, Ib xyoo nce ntawm xyoo nce 18.60%.

Daim Ntawv Thov Kev Pab ———

Haier Smart tsev

Founded hauv 1984, Haier Group is the world's leading provider of better life and digital transformation solutions.

Saib raws kev txawj ntse, Lub tuam txhab khwb khuav integrates emerging tshuab xws li hauv Internet ntawm tej yam, Xws li cov Casarte Yunding khoom kim heev cua txias, Uas yog nruab nrog ib tug ntse nyiam tsev lawv, Ntse sensing cov neeg siv thiab lwm qhov chaw rau customize qhov kub tshaj plaws. Tib lub sijhawm, continuously nce peev hauv txoj kev tshawb fawb thiab kev loj hlob ntawm internet ntawm tej yam, huab computing, txoj kev ntse artificial thiab hais txog kev siv tshuab, Thiab txhawb lub evolution ntawm lub tsev khoom siv rau ntse thiab scene kuas kev loj hlob.

Haier Zhijia, as the world's only IoT ecological brand, Muaj tau ranked ntawm cov "Brandz saum toj kawg nkaus 100 Zoo tshaj plaws ntiaj teb no hom" tsib xyoos sib law liag.

nyob rau hauv 2022, Lub tuam txhab yuav twb paub lawm nyiaj ntawm 243.514 kuj yuan, nce 7.2% piv rau 2021. nyob rau hauv 2022, Lub tuam txhab yuav cuag ib nqa nyiaj ntawm 14.711 Kuj yuan attributable rau tus niam/txiv tuam txhab, nce 12.5% dhau 2021; thiab nqa nyiaj 13.963 Kuj yuan tom qab deducting cov-attribution rau tus niam/txiv tuam txhab, nce 18.0% dhau 2021.

Baidu Group

Baidu yog ib lub tuam txhab AI nrog ib internet foundation, Thiab yog ib ob peb tuam txhab uas muag nyob hauv lub ntiaj teb uas muab full-stack AI tshuab xws li AI chips, software architecture, ntaub ntawv thov.

Baidu founded hauv Zhongguancun rau lub ib hlis ntuj 1, 2000. Tus founder, Robin Li, muaj tus neeg mob patent ntawm "hyperlink tsom xam", Uas kuj ua rau Suav teb yog ib lub teb chaws xwb plaub lub teb chaws nyob hauv lub ntiaj teb uas muaj cov tub ntxhais tshuab nrhiav engines besides lub teb chaws As Mes Lis Kas, Zog ntawm Guj kuj thiab kaus lim qab teb. Ib. Baidu teb rau billions nrhiav kev thov los ntawm ntau tshaj 100 Lub teb chaws thiab regions txhua hnub. Nws yog lub ntsiab nkag rau netizens kom tau suav cov ntaub ntawv thiab kev pab, muab rau neeg noj 1 Siv internet cov neeg siv internet.

Raws li nrhiav engines, Baidu muaj evolved artificial txoj kev ntse tshuab xws li hais lus, dluab, paub graphs, thiab tej yam txheej txheem; yav tag los 10 Xyoos, Baidu tau thov hauv tej teb tej teb xws li sib sib zog nqus kev kawm, sib tham artificial txoj kev ntse operating lub nruab, autonomous tsav tsheb, thiab AI chips, Ua Baidu ua ib tug ua AI tuam txhab Muaj zog Internet foundation.

Sau ntawv cia

Koj qhov chaw nyob yuav tsis raug luam tawm. Yuav tsum tau teb yog cim *