Mechanical load hlwb - quab yuam sensor

Liens: rhuav cov txawv teb chaws monopoly ntawm mechanical sensors

Liens: rhuav cov txawv teb chaws monopoly ntawm mechanical sensors. Xyoo tsis ntev los no, Qihe County, Dezhou Lub zos, Shandong xeev muaj teem rau txoj kev loj hlob ntawm high-tech industries xws li biomedicine, khoom tshiab, thiab high-end khoom manufacturing.

Liens: rhuav cov txawv teb chaws monopoly ntawm mechanical sensors

Cov cim yog maj mam highlighted, thiab tus economic teev tseem loj hlob.

Tsis ntev dhau los, Tus Liens high-precision sensor ntau lawm, Kev tshawb fawb thiab li cas peb tes num nyob rau hauv Qilu High-tech kev loj hlob Zone, Qihe County yog teb tiav thiab muab tso rau hauv siv. Nrog tus sawv ntawm emerging industries xws li hauv Internet ntawm tej yam, qhov sensor kev lag luam Kuj yog ib qho tseem ceeb teb nyob rau hauv high-tech sib txeeb. Raws li ib tug scientific thiab tshuab innovation enterprise ywj siab incubated thiab cultivated los ntawm Qilu High-tech kev loj hlob Zone hauv Qihe County, Shandong Liens ntse tshuab Co., Ltd. R&D applications.Liens: breaking the foreign monopoly of mechanical sensors - Mechanical load cell - force sensor

Liens: rhuav cov txawv teb chaws monopoly ntawm mechanical sensors - Mechanical load hlwb - quab yuam sensor


"Zoo li no sensor hauv kuv txhais tes, Nws daim ntawv thov tseem ceeb yog daim ntawv thov kev pab ntawm tus thawj thiab lwm circuits ntawm txoj kev ua lag luam nuclear. Nws siv tshwj xeeb siv nyob rau hauv cheeb tsam no muaj peevxwm kuj thiab siab kuj. Nws yuav tsum to taub lub siab ntawm 17 MPa, Nws yog sib npaug rau cov dej siab 1,700 meters underwater." Zaoyi, deputy general tus thawj tswj ntawm Liens, nkag tau rau reporters.

Tom qab xyoo ua haujlwm, Lub high-end mechanical sensor tsim los ntawm Liance tsis zoo kawg thiab zoo tuaj khoom kev kawm, nqaim tus accuracy deviation, Tiam sis kuj txo cov nqi procurement, Ntse coj lub sij hawm ntev dependence rau imports ntawm high-end sensors nyob hauv kuv lub teb chaws. Li Chaoyi hais reporters tias tom qab txoj kev loj hlob ntawm no high-end sensor, Nws yuav tsis tsuas daws tau qhov teeb meem caj dab, Tab sis kuj txuag ib nrab ntawm tus nqi thiab raug nqi.

About LiensColumn Pressure Load Cell - 500 Ton 1000 Ton Mechanical Test Load Cell

Column siab load cell - 500 ton 1000 Ton Mechanical kuaj Load Cell


In combination with the government's "tsib chaw ua si thiab ib puag" kev npaj, Liance muaj teamed nrog Qilu High-tech Zone los tsim ib tug sensor ntse manufacturing kev lag luam. Nws yog ib tug tseem ceeb high-tech enterprise uas implements innovation tsav hauv lub xeev Shandong thiab accelerates sib sau ua ke ntawm innovation thiab entrepreneurship. Lub tuam txhab muaj ua sensor tub ntxhais tshuab thiab ib tug thawj-class R&D pab neeg no, insisting rau lub tswvyim ntawm excellence muab cov neeg muas zaub uas satisfactory khoom thiab kev pab zoo.

Liance mas nrog rau lub R&D thiab ntau lawm ntau hom precision sensors Xws li acceleration sensors, quab yuam sensors, thiab siab sensors. Ua phem rau muab rau neeg noj aerospace, aviation, shipbuilding, fais fab tuag, tsheb ciav hlau high-speed rail, cua fais fab tuag, tsheb thiab lwm industries, Muab high-precision xyuas khoom rau vibration kuaj, modal ntsuas, tej yam kev ntsuas, kev kuaj mob zog, kev kuaj xyuas, vibration xyuas, txhaum thiab lwm yam kev mus los.China column pressure load sensor manufacturers

Tuam Tshoj column siab load sensor manufacturers


Liance tau kis ISO9001 zoo tswj daim ntawv pov thawj thiab GJB901C riam phom tswj lawv daim ntawv pov thawj. Lub high-precision sensors ua los ntawm lub tuam txhab adopt thoob ntiaj teb rhiab rhiab components thiab siab heev manufacturing tshuab, ruaj khov thiab txhim khu kev qha zoo thiab kev kawm nqi kawm, thiab muaj yeej recognition ntawm lub lag luam. Cov neeg muas zaub tam sim no npog Suav teb Aerospace Science thiab Tshuab Corporation, Tuam Tshoj Aerospace Science thiab kev lag luam Corporation, Tuam Tshoj Electronics Tshuab Corporation, Tuam Tshoj National Nuclear Corporation, Tuam Tshoj Shipbuilding kev lag luam Corporation, Tuam Tshoj Aviation kev lag luam Corporation, Tuam Tshoj Ordnance kev lag luam Corporation, thiab lwm yam.

Sau ntawv cia

Koj qhov chaw nyob yuav tsis raug luam tawm. Yuav tsum tau teb yog cim *