The 3rd China (Wuxi) Internet of Vehicles Industry Development Summit Forum

Publicity of Typical Cases of Internet of Things Empowering Industry Development in 2023

Publicity of Typical Cases of Internet of Things Empowering Industry Development in 2023. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology's 2023 typical case of IoT empowerment industry development "Xishan+1".

Publicity of Typical Cases of Internet of Things Empowering Industry Development in 2023

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology's 2023 typical case of IoT empowerment industry development "Xishan+1"

Recently, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology announced the list of typical cases of "2023 Internet of Things Empowering Industry Development"

Jiangsu Tianan Zhilian Technology Co., Ltd. in our region

"Vehicle-road collaborative data service platform for smart transportation"

Successfully selected as an intelligent transportation case

The typical case of the development of the Internet of Things enabling industry in 2023 is based on the key work deployment of the "Three-Year Action Plan for the Construction of New Internet of Things Infrastructure (2021-2023)" (Ministry of Industry and Information Technology [2021] No. 130) on the development of integrated applications.

The publicity list includes three major areas: industry application, social governance, and people's livelihood and consumption. It focuses on 12 industrial integration application directions, with a total of 139 cases. Wuxi City was selected for 4 projects this time.

Vehicle-road collaborative data service platform for smart transportation

Vehicle-road collaborative data service platform for smart transportation


The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology launched a collection of typical cases of Internet of Things empowerment industry development

Aiming at accelerating the innovation and development of the Internet of Things industry

Strengthen the summary of typical experience and the promotion of excellent cases

Make better use of the Internet of Things to empower the real economy

The role of high-quality development

Let's take a look at the case introduction together with the IoT cloud platform~

Vehicle-road collaborative data service platform for smart transportation

"Vehicle-road collaborative data service platform for intelligent transportation" is mainly used in the field of intelligent transportation. With data exchange and traffic big data governance technology as the core, leading industry data application exchange and unified interface standards with practice, an open and unified Internet of Vehicles data service platform is built to meet the needs of cross-industry applications such as urban traffic digital governance and intelligent networked vehicles. .

It mainly solves the problems of third-party platform calling, unified interface protocol processing, system transplantation and expansion, multi-manufacturer roadside equipment access and compatibility, online monitoring of real-time information of the Internet of Vehicles, and lane-level simulation display.

The 3rd China (Wuxi) Internet of Vehicles Industry Development Summit Forum - Internet of Vehicles

The 3rd China (Wuxi) Internet of Vehicles Industry Development Summit Forum - Internet of Vehicles


At present, Xishan District is seizing the opportunities for the development of the Internet of Vehicles and Intelligent Networked Automobile industry, making every effort to build the core area of the national-level Jiangsu (Wuxi) Internet of Vehicles pilot area, the core area of the "Double Smart" pilot city, and the Internet of Vehicles and Intelligent Networked Vehicles in Jiangsu Province Pioneering zone for high-quality development. The first and second phases of the Internet of Vehicles demonstration project have been implemented, and the two-way 295.4 kilometers of intelligent networked roads and 255 point renovations have been completed, and five major types of roadsides, including basic, communication, perception, computing, and interactive, have been deployed on a large scale Intelligent facilities and equipment, construction of 15 types of functional scenes, realized the full coverage of 45 square kilometers in the business district of Xidong New City.

Publicity of Typical Cases of Internet of Things Empowering Industry Development in 2023

Publicity of Typical Cases of Internet of Things Empowering Industry Development in 2023


In the next stage, Xishan will focus on the "Three-Year Action Plan for the High-Quality Development of Internet of Vehicles and Intelligent Connected Vehicles in Xishan District (2023-2025)", adhere to the direction of coordinated development of vehicles and roads, enhance smart transportation capabilities, empower smart driving applications, and improve public health.

Safety level, gather core industrial clusters, continuously improve the development ecology of Xishan Internet of Vehicles and intelligent networked automobile industry, and create a leading domestic and world-class highland and source of innovation for the Internet of Vehicles and intelligent networked automobile industry.

Source: Information Technology Promotion Division
Editor: Tao Jun
Reviewer: Mei Xinfeng

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