Tianyi IoT: Ua riro te mau rave'a aravihi o teie tau ei ma'itiraa maitai roa a'e no na 50 taata tumu

Tianyi IoT: Ua riro te mau rave'a aravihi o teie tau ei ma'itiraa maitai roa a'e no na 50 taata tumu

Tianyi IoT: Ua riro te mau rave'a aravihi o teie tau ei ma'itiraa maitai roa a'e no na 50 taata tumu. Ei "Te mau mana'o tauturu no te" 5Te mau mana'o tauturu no te tuatapaparaa e, Ua huti te RedCap i te ara - maite - raa o te mau pu hamaniraa tauihaa mai to ' na fanauraahia mai â.

Tianyi IoT: Ua riro te mau rave'a aravihi o teie tau ei ma'itiraa maitai roa a'e no na 50 taata tumu

Ei "Te mau mana'o tauturu no te" 5Te mau mana'o tauturu no te tuatapaparaa e, Ua huti te RedCap i te ara - maite - raa o te mau pu hamaniraa tauihaa mai to ' na fanauraahia mai â. Ia faaauhia i te tahi atu 5G e aore râ, i te tahi atu mau rave'a, Te mau vahi maitatai matamua o te RedCap, o te hoê ïa haamâu'araa haihai roa e te iti o te faaohiparaa i te uira.

Ia hi'ohia e e ere te 5G eMBB i te mea paari, te haamâu'araa rahi iho â râ o te mau modules, e mea papû roa e haamaitai te reira i te hamaniraa o na 5G-enabled. Te mau mana'o tauturu no te.

Haamata na roto i te faaohiparaa mau, Te faaau maitai ra te RedCap i te mau ohipa a te 5G eMBB e vai ra. Te tape'araa i te mau huru matamua o te 5G, e nehenehe te reira e faaiti mai i te mau haamau'araa e te faaohiparaa i te mana, na roto i te faarahiraa i te faaohiparaa o te 5G e te faarahiraa i te paari e te paari o te hamaniraa i te mau matini roro uira o to'u fenua. Te mau mana'o tauturu no te.

"E faahopearaa rahi to te faraa mai te RedCap i nia i te tupuraa o te 5G. E faaiti mai te reira ma te manuïa i te haamâu'araa e te faaohiparaa i te uira e 5G, e e mea piri a'e oia i te mau hinaaro mau o te mau hoani. E rave rahi mau faaohiparaa o te nehenehe e faaohipahia no te tâu'a i te mau mea e te faaohiparaa i te uira e o te titau i te mau tupuraa mau e 5G. E nehenehe te reira e tupu." Wang Zhicheng, ti'a faatere no te fenua Taina Telecom's 5G Te huru o te mau mea Te mau mana'o tauturu no te haapiiraa, i roto i te hoê uiuiraa mana'o e te mau papai vea no te mau ravea haapurororaa atoa i roto i te ao o te mau ravea taairaa, ua faatupu a'ena te RedCap i te mau aniraa papu maitai i roto i te mau tupuraa mai te mana, Te mau hoho'a, e te haaputuraa i te mau haamaramaramaraa. I te tau i mua nei, E ravehia te mau ohipa rarahi i ni'a i te Itenati o te mau taata e rave rahi, Hi'opo'araa i te tereraa, e te mau matini e nehenehe e faaohipahia. Te mea faufaa roa'tu, i te mea e e nehenehe te mau matini uira i roto e rave rahi atu â mau tupuraa e taaihia i te pu haapurororaa, e paturu atoa râ te reira i te haapiiraa e te faaohiparaa i te mau rave'a aravihi o teie tau.

Tianyi IoT: Ua riro te mau rave'a aravihi o teie tau ei ma'itiraa maitai roa a'e no na 50 taata tumu

Tianyi IoT: Ua riro te mau rave'a aravihi o teie tau ei ma'itiraa maitai roa a'e no na 50 taata tumu


I roto i te parau no te faaohiparaa i te mau rave'a, Ua hi'opoa te fenua Taina Telecom i te mau tupuraa o te RedCap mai te tau mai â 2021. Haamata i roto i te 2022, Ua faatupu te fenua Taina Telecom i te mau opuaraa i Jiangsu Zhenjiang Port, Te puai uira a te Hau no Zhejiang, Hebei Aosen Iron and Steel, Te rotoraa o te oire no Mongolia Zhuneng Coal Mine, Jiangxi Xinghuo business, e te tahi atu â.

Ua haapii mai te RedCap ua rave-faaoti-hia te mau faanahoraa no te faaohiparaa i te mau rave'a. I roto i te 2023, no te hi'opoa hau atu â i te parareraa e te rave - amui - raa i te mau aniraa i te pae tapihaa a te RedCap i roto i te hoê tuhaa fenua aano, E faatupu te fenua Taina Telecom i te opuaraa a te pairati "Oire uteute" i Shenzhen, e i te hoê â taime 15 Te mau pairati manureva i roto i te fenua no te faatere i te mau ohipa hi'opo'araa. Na roto i teie mau tautooraa, hau atu i te 50 Ua taaihia te mau tuhaa o te mau pu hamaniraa tauihaa uteute, and more than 20 industry application scenarios have been verified.
In terms of network architecture, Wang Zhicheng said that RedCap mainly upgrades the software of existing network base stations without changing the network architecture. Build a joint laboratory to promote the exploration of related scenarios and business construction.

I teie nei, 18 joint laboratory nodes have been built in 8 provinces across the country, and this business model will continue to be promoted in the future.
Modules are also the key to the commercial success of RedCap. The main challenge now is to find more large-scale application scenarios in addition to the existing 5G eMBB scenarios, and to consider that RedCap modules meet the professional needs of industry scenarios. Benefiting from the 5G inside plan, China Telecom's self-developed RedCap module has a series of exclusive functions such as terminal management, direct traffic allocation, and self-inspection and troubleshooting.

E-surfing IoT will rely on China Telecom's 18 branch laboratory nodes in 8 provinces, focus on the industry application scenarios of the provincial, municipal and enterprise markets, continue to promote the docking of RedCap terminal modules, and introduce industry capabilities through the 5G inside plan to cooperate with industry terminals RedCap transformation, and through the laboratory system to continuously explore, verify and optimize the performance of RedCap modules and terminals.

I te tau i mua nei, China Telecom will continue to strengthen the joint laboratory and 5Ginside action, based on the city, through continuous in-depth industry projects to explore application scenarios, develop industry terminals, and continue to gather RedCap industry applications and middle-end capabilities through the AIoT platform to provide industry chain innovation. support.

When will the cost of 5G modules come down?

How to adapt customized industry terminals?

Can RedCap usher in an explosive moment for 5G applications?

To know what will happen next, a haapa'o maitai i te "5G RedCap Technology and Internet of Things Application Innovation Seminar"

Faaite i to outou here

A vaiiho i te hoê pahonoraa

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