Tianyi IoT: RedCap technology is the best choice for 5G native scenarios

Tianyi IoT: RedCap technology is the best choice for 5G native scenarios

Tianyi IoT: RedCap technology is the best choice for 5G native scenarios. As a "lightweight" 5G technology, RedCap has attracted industry attention since its birth.

Tianyi IoT: RedCap technology is the best choice for 5G native scenarios

As a "lightweight" 5G technology, RedCap has attracted industry attention since its birth. Compared with other 5G technologies or solutions, RedCap's main advantages are low cost and low power consumption.

Considering that the current 5G eMBB industry chain is not mature, especially the high cost of modules, it will undoubtedly improve the informatization of 5G-enabled industries. threshold.

Starting from the actual application, RedCap appropriately tailors the functions of the existing 5G eMBB. While retaining the original characteristics of 5G, it can effectively reduce costs and power consumption, thereby expanding the application scenarios of 5G and accelerating the maturity and maturity of my country's industrial digitalization. develop.

"The emergence of RedCap has a profound impact on the development of 5G. It effectively reduces the cost and power consumption of 5G, and is closer to the actual needs of customers. It makes a large number of applications that are subject to cost sensitivity and power consumption sensitivity and require real 5G native scenarios. It can be realized." Wang Zhicheng, director of China Telecom's 5G Internet of Things Joint Open Laboratory, said in an interview with reporters from all media in the communication world that RedCap has already generated obvious demand in scenarios such as power, camera, and data acquisition. In the future, great development will be achieved in the fields of Internet of Vehicles, remote control, and wearable devices. More importantly, since IoT devices in more scenarios can be stably connected to the network, it will further promote the evolution and implementation of AI technology.

Tianyi IoT: RedCap technology is the best choice for 5G native scenarios

Tianyi IoT: RedCap technology is the best choice for 5G native scenarios


In terms of application scenario expansion, China Telecom has been exploring the application scenarios of RedCap since 2021. Starting in 2022, China Telecom has launched projects in Jiangsu Zhenjiang Port, Zhejiang State Grid Electric Power, Hebei Aosen Iron and Steel, Inner Mongolia Zhuneng Coal Mine, Jiangxi Xinghuo Chemical Industry, etc.

The RedCap network verification of industry application scenarios has been carried out accurately. In 2023, in order to further verify the expansion and collaboration of RedCap's industrial applications in a wide area, China Telecom will promote the pilot project of "RedCap City" in Shenzhen, and at the same time launch 15 industry pilot units across the country to conduct scenario verification. Through these efforts, more than 50 RedCap industry terminals have been connected, and more than 20 industry application scenarios have been verified.
In terms of network architecture, Wang Zhicheng said that RedCap mainly upgrades the software of existing network base stations without changing the network architecture. Build a joint laboratory to promote the exploration of related scenarios and business construction.

At present, 18 joint laboratory nodes have been built in 8 provinces across the country, and this business model will continue to be promoted in the future.
Modules are also the key to the commercial success of RedCap. The main challenge now is to find more large-scale application scenarios in addition to the existing 5G eMBB scenarios, and to consider that RedCap modules meet the professional needs of industry scenarios. Benefiting from the 5G inside plan, China Telecom's self-developed RedCap module has a series of exclusive functions such as terminal management, direct traffic allocation, and self-inspection and troubleshooting.

E-surfing IoT will rely on China Telecom's 18 branch laboratory nodes in 8 provinces, focus on the industry application scenarios of the provincial, municipal and enterprise markets, continue to promote the docking of RedCap terminal modules, and introduce industry capabilities through the 5G inside plan to cooperate with industry terminals RedCap transformation, and through the laboratory system to continuously explore, verify and optimize the performance of RedCap modules and terminals.

In the future, China Telecom will continue to strengthen the joint laboratory and 5Ginside action, based on the city, through continuous in-depth industry projects to explore application scenarios, develop industry terminals, and continue to gather RedCap industry applications and middle-end capabilities through the AIoT platform to provide industry chain innovation. support.

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To know what will happen next, please pay attention to the "5G RedCap Technology and Internet of Things Application Innovation Seminar"

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