The top 10 best air quality data acquisition modules before 2024 include MQ-135, CCS811, PMS5003 particle sensor module, DHT22 temperature and humidity sensor module, SEN5X integrated air quality sensor module, TGS2600 series VOC sensor module, GP2Y1010AU dust sensor module, BME680 environmental sensor module, SHARP dust sensor module, Honeywell HMC series.

The above ten sensor modules are also widely used sensors in the world, used in various industries, including aerospace, electronic industry manufacturing, new energy technology research and development, industrial automation, robotics and other fields.

Next, we will introduce the characteristics and application fields of these 10 best sensor modules.

MQ-135 air quality sensor module


  • Wide detection: Able to detect a variety of harmful gases, including benzene vapor, sulfide, H2S, NH3, NO2, alkane, smoke, etc.
  • High sensitivity: It has high sensitivity to harmful gases and is suitable for indoor air quality monitoring.
  • Good stability: Long-term working stability is strong, suitable for long-term monitoring applications.

Application: Smart home, office, factory and other places that require air quality monitoring.

CCS811 air quality sensor module


  • Digital output: Directly output digital signals, convenient for interfacing with microcontrollers.
  • Low power consumption: Low power consumption, suitable for portable devices and battery-powered applications.
  • Multi-parameter detection: Able to detect VOCs (volatile organic compounds) and eCO2 (equivalent carbon dioxide) concentrations in indoor air.

Application: Air purifiers, fresh air systems, smart homes, etc.

PMS5003 particle sensor module


  • High precision: Able to accurately measure PM1.0, PM2.5, PM10 and other particle concentrations.
  • Real-time data: Provide real-time particle concentration data and support fast response.
  • Multi-protocol support: Supports multiple communication protocols such as UART and I2C, which is convenient for integration with different systems.

Application: Environmental monitoring stations, air purifiers, industrial emission monitoring, etc.

DHT22 temperature and humidity sensor module


  • High precision: High temperature and humidity measurement accuracy, meeting most application requirements.
  • Digital output: Directly output digital signals without analog-to-digital conversion.
  • Good stability: Strong long-term working stability, suitable for long-term monitoring.

Application: Smart home, agricultural greenhouse, weather station, etc.

SEN5X integrated air quality sensor module


  • Multi-parameter detection: Able to simultaneously detect multiple environmental parameters such as particulate matter, VOCs, NOx, temperature and humidity.
  • High integration: Integrated design, easy to integrate into various systems.
  • High precision: High measurement accuracy of each parameter, meeting high-precision monitoring needs.

Application: Smart home, building automation, environmental monitoring, etc.

TGS2600 Series VOC Sensor Module


  • High sensitivity: High sensitivity to VOCs (volatile organic compounds).
  • Low power consumption: Low power consumption, suitable for portable devices and battery-powered applications.
  • Easy to use: Simple interface, easy to integrate with various microcontrollers.

Application: Indoor air quality monitoring, gas leak detection, etc.

GP2Y1010AU Dust Sensor Module


  • Optical principle: Uses optical scattering principle to measure dust concentration in the air.
  • High sensitivity: High sensitivity to tiny particles.
  • Digital output: Directly output digital signals for easy processing.

Application: Air purifiers, smoke alarms, environmental monitoring, etc.

BME680 Environmental Sensor Module


  • Multi-parameter detection: Integrates gas sensors, temperature and humidity sensors, and pressure sensors, and can detect multiple environmental parameters at the same time.
  • Low power consumption: Low power consumption, suitable for long-term monitoring applications
  • High precision: Each parameter has high measurement accuracy, suitable for occasions requiring high-precision monitoring.

Application: Smart home, wearable devices, environmental monitoring, etc.

SHARP dust sensor module


  • High precision: Can accurately measure dust concentration in the air.
  • Good stability: Strong stability for long-term working, suitable for long-term monitoring applications.
  • Easy to integrate: Simple interface, easy to integrate with various systems.

Application: Air purifier, industrial emission monitoring, environmental monitoring, etc.

Honeywell HMC series air quality sensor module


  • Brand advantage: Honeywell is a well-known brand, and product quality is guaranteed.
  • Multi-parameter detection: Can detect multiple air quality parameters to meet different application requirements.
  • High precision: Each parameter has high measurement accuracy to meet high-precision monitoring requirements.

Application: Industrial automation, environmental monitoring, aerospace and other fields.


The 10 air quality data acquisition modules introduced above have their own characteristics and are suitable for different application scenarios. When choosing, you need to consider the module’s measurement accuracy, stability, power consumption, interface and other factors according to specific needs.

At the same time, you also need to pay attention to factors such as the module’s brand and after-sales service to ensure that you choose the right product.

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What harmful gases can MQ-135 detect?

MQ-135 can detect a variety of harmful gases, including benzene vapor, sulfide, H2S, NH3, NO2, alkane, smoke, etc.

What is the sensitivity of MQ-135?

MQ-135 has high sensitivity to harmful gases and is suitable for indoor air quality monitoring.

What communication protocols does CCS811 support?

CCS811 supports I2C communication protocol, which facilitates data transmission with microcontrollers.

How does CCS811 measure air quality?

CCS811 measures VOCs (volatile organic compounds) and eCO2 (equivalent carbon dioxide) concentrations in indoor air through its built-in micro-hotplate technology and outputs the data in digital form.

What particulate matter can PMS5003 measure?

PMS5003 can accurately measure the concentration of particulate matter such as PM1.0, PM2.5, PM10, etc.

How to calibrate PMS5003?

The calibration of PMS5003 usually involves comparison testing with particulate matter samples of known concentration to ensure the accuracy of the measurement results. For specific calibration methods, please refer to the product manual or contact the manufacturer.

What is the measurement accuracy of DHT22?

The temperature and humidity measurement accuracy of DHT22 is relatively high, and the temperature measurement accuracy is generally ±0.5℃, and the humidity measurement accuracy is generally ±2%RH (at 25℃).

How to connect DHT22 to a microcontroller?

DHT22 is connected to the microcontroller via a single bus, with a simple interface and easy integration.

What is the measurement range of the air quality sensor module?

The measurement range of different modules may vary. Please refer to the product manual or consult the manufacturer for details.

How to calibrate the air quality sensor module?

The calibration method varies from module to module, and generally requires comparison testing with standard gas or standard particle samples. For specific calibration steps and precautions, please refer to the product manual.

How to integrate the air quality sensor module with the system?

Most air quality data acquisition modules support standard communication protocols (such as I2C, UART, etc.), which can be integrated with microcontrollers, PLCs and other systems through these protocols. The specific integration method needs to be designed according to system requirements and module characteristics.