Рашэнне разумнага шлюза абслугоўвання IoT для медыцынскіх устаноў - Прылады, падлучаныя да IoT, уяўляюць значную небяспеку для бізнесу - разуменне Інтэрнэту рэчаў

Прылады, падлучаныя да IoT, уяўляюць значную небяспеку для бізнесу - разуменне Інтэрнэту рэчаў

Прылады, падлучаныя да IoT, уяўляюць значную небяспеку для бізнесу - разуменне Інтэрнэту рэчаў. IoT devices can have problems for a number of reasons.


Прылады, падлучаныя да IoT, уяўляюць значную небяспеку для бізнесу - разуменне Інтэрнэту рэчаў

They are usually only used for 'on-premise' deployments and should never be exposed to the open internet, which makes security less important because they are considered safer deep in the environment.

This can lead developers to focus on improving performance and functionality, while security is an afterthought at best.

Security vulnerabilities in connected devices are plague the digital realm, affecting a wide range of industries. The smart solution of home-based community nursing home medical care institutions provides IoT smart elderly care gateway equipment

The smart solution of home-based community nursing home medical care institutions provides IoT smart elderly care gateway equipment


According to statistics, IT equipment accounts for more than three-quarters (78%) of affected devices, while Internet of Things (IoT) devices account for 14% of the total number of vulnerable devices. Operational technology (OT) and medical Internet of Things (IoMT) devices accounted for 6% і 2%, адпаведна.

Nearly 80 percent of IT equipment vulnerabilities are classified as high severity, indicating a huge challenge for IT teams as these vulnerabilities can lead to devastating attacks.

Although IoMT devices have fewer vulnerabilities, 80% of them are classified as critical, posing a significant risk to sensitive medical data and patient safety. More than half of the vulnerabilities found in OT and прылады IoT are critical in nature.IoT medical device manufacturers

IoT medical device manufacturers


Another worrying trend found across all industries is the underuse of endpoint protection.

At least 10% of devices equipped with endpoint protection have been disabled, with the government and financial services sectors being the most severe; Nearly a quarter of devices in these areas have neglected this important security measure.Iot HealthCare Device - IoT medical security issues - IoT-connected devices pose a significant risk to businesses – insights into the Internet of Things

Iot HealthCare Device - IoT medical security issues - Прылады, падлучаныя да IoT, уяўляюць значную небяспеку для бізнесу - разуменне Інтэрнэту рэчаў


From a more positive perspective, there has been some progress in risk management within government departments, with the highest reduction between 2022 і 2023. Аднак, indicators of compromise (IOCs), such as known malicious IPs and domain names, remain prevalent across government networks, улік 63% of all IOCs detected.

insights into the Internet of Things

The healthcare and financial services industries also face a significant amount of IoC, at 19% і 8%, адпаведна.

The report also reveals the most exposed devices on the internet, with IT network infrastructure and security devices topping the list, followed by IoT devices, especially IP cameras, accounting for nearly a quarter (23%) of all exposed IoT devices.

Network-attached storage (NAS) and Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) devices followed, улік 7% і 3%, адпаведна. Office equipment such as printers and NAS devices in government (19%), and OT equipment in financial services (6%), mainly UPS are also at risk.

Reduce the area of IoT attacks

All security teams have resource constraints, and by highlighting the most pressing security threats, it's worth noting that 13 of the 20 highest-risk devices are the same as last year. While these devices are inherently risky, some bugs remain in businesses that have not yet deployed mechanisms to address these risks, such as automated remediation and cybersecurity hygiene.

IoT smart wearable products - IoT applications are in the medical field

IoT smart wearable products - Прыкладанні IoT are in the medical field


By reporting the severity of vulnerabilities rather than just the number of vulnerabilities, it makes the question of what constitutes an enterprise's risk clearer, напрыклад, while 78% of IT systems are vulnerabilities, у параўнанні з 14% of IoT vulnerabilities, the fact that more than half of IoT vulnerabilities are critical helps focus on where remedial action is needed.

When considering that IoT, OT, and IoMT are forms of cyber-physical systems that exploit vulnerabilities in these systems that can cause physical damage and impact, it is even more important to focus on their remediation needs.Top Uses of Internet of Things (IoT) in Healthcare

Top Uses of Internet of Things (IoT) in Healthcare


IoT devices can have problems for a number of reasons. They are usually only used for 'on-premise' deployments and should never be exposed to the open internet, which makes security less important because they are considered safer deep in the environment. This can lead developers to focus on improving performance and functionality, while security is an afterthought at best.

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