2023 China Computational Power Conference

2023 China Computational Power Conference

2023 China Computational Power Conference. The 2023 China Computing Power Conference focuses on the high-quality development of the computing power industry.

2023 China Computational Power Conference

The 2023 China Computing Power Conference focuses on the high-quality development of the computing power industry.

The 2023 China Computing Power Conference is co-sponsored by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the People's Government of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, and will be held in Yinchuan, Ningxia from August 18 to 19, 2023. With the theme of "Computing leads new industry trends and empowers high-quality development", the conference focuses on high-end computing and new computing cutting-edge technologies, industrial development and application scenarios, and brings together the forces of government, industry, academia, research and application to jointly discuss new trends in the computing power industry , new opportunities, new challenges.

2023 China Computational Power Conference

2023 China Computational Power Conference


The main content of the conference includes: the opening ceremony, the main forum, thematic forums, the release of achievements, and the innovation competition. Among them, the main forum invited well-known experts, scholars and business leaders at home and abroad to give speeches on the development trend of the computing power industry, technological innovation and application scenarios. Thematic forums focus on different fields such as the frontier of computing power technology, industrial development, and application scenarios, and invite experts and scholars from the government, enterprises, and academia to discuss together.

At the conference, Jin Zhuanglong, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, pointed out that in recent years, the scale of my country's computing power industry has grown rapidly, the construction of computing power facilities is advancing in an orderly manner, and computing power infrastructure maintains a leading edge. At the same time, it is also facing some challenges, such as chip shortages and risks in network security. He emphasized that it is necessary to further strengthen the innovation of computing power technology, promote the construction of computing power facilities and interconnection, and improve the international competitiveness of the computing power industry.

In addition, the conference also released the "China Composite Computing Power Index (2023)". The index evaluates the development level of computing power in each province and city from the four dimensions of computing power, storage capacity, transport capacity, and environment. Among them, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other cities are in the leading position in the country in terms of computing power. The release of the index will help governments and enterprises understand the development of computing power in various regions and provide reference for investment decisions.

In terms of innovation competitions, the conference invited excellent teams from all over the country to participate in the innovative design and practice around the frontiers of computing power technology and application scenarios. Through fierce competition and selection, a group of outstanding innovative projects stood out and won awards and funding from the conference. Visitors can get a close look at various cutting-edge technologies and products, and feel the huge potential of the computing power industry.

In general, the 2023 China Computing Power Conference provides an important platform for promoting the development of my country's computing power industry and international exchanges. By bringing together the power of government, industry, academia, research and application to jointly discuss new trends, new opportunities, and new challenges in the computing power industry, it will help promote the rapid development and application promotion of my country's computing power industry, and inject new impetus into economic and social development.The 2023 China Computing Power Conference focuses on the high-quality development of the computing power industry

The 2023 China Computing Power Conference focuses on the high-quality development of the computing power industry


Computing power has become a key productivity in the digital economy era and an important cornerstone for the digital and intelligent transformation of the whole society.

In the future, we will focus on intelligence, greenization, and integration as the main direction, and promote infrastructure construction, industrial foundation innovation, and deep integration applications in an integrated manner, so as to make the computing power industry stronger, better, and bigger.

This is what Minister of Industry and Information Technology Jin Zhuanglong made the above statement at the 2023 China Computing Power Conference opened in Yinchuan, Ningxia on the 19th. This conference is co-hosted by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the People's Government of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, with the theme of "Leading the Trend of New Industries and Empowering High-Quality Development".

According to reports, in recent years, my country has focused on accelerating the construction and application of computing power infrastructure to promote the rapid development of my country's computing power industry. 130 trunk optical cables were built around the national hub nodes of the national integrated computing power network, and the data transmission performance was greatly improved. At present, the total scale of data center racks in use across the country exceeds 7.6 million standard racks, and the total scale of computing power in my country has reached 197EFLOPS, ranking second in the world. my country's computing power industry has begun to take shape, and the output of computing products such as servers, computers, and smartphones ranks first in the world.

It is understood that Ningxia has achieved full coverage of 5G networks in key towns and industrial parks, and built the largest intelligent computing base in the west. The development pattern of the whole industry chain in other fields. Ningxia built the first secondary node for industrial Internet logo analysis in Northwest China. "Internet + Education" and "Internet + Medical Health" were first demonstrated in the country.

This conference also released the "China Composite Computing Power Index (2023)", which measures the comprehensive level of computing power development in various provinces, regions and cities in my country from the dimensions of computing power, storage capacity, transportation capacity, and environment. Judging from the "Comprehensive Computing Power Index", Guangdong Province, Jiangsu Province, and Shanghai rank high; from the perspective of "Comprehensive Power Sub-Index", Hebei Province, Guangdong Province, Jiangsu Province, etc. rank high, and Ningxia ranks first in the country.

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Eighth: From the perspective of "resource and environment", Ningxia, Inner Mongolia, and Qinghai rank high. The conference also released the "White Paper on China's Computing Power in 2023", "White Paper on China's Storage Power in 2023" and "White Paper on China's Transportation Capacity in 2023", which conducted research on the technological innovation, industrial ecology and development trend of my country's computing power, storage power and transportation capacity .

Original Title: "2023 China Computing Power Conference Focuses on the High-Quality Development of the Computing Power Industry".

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