Summary of the work of Shenzhen IoT Industry Association in July 2023

Summary of the work of Shenzhen IoT Industry Association in July 2023

Summary of the work of Shenzhen IoT Industry Association in July 2023. In July 2023, the main tasks of Shenzhen Internet of Things Industry Association are as follows:

1. The Shenzhen Internet of Things Industry Association fully organizes the application for the "Shenzhen Science and Technology Award (Standard Award)"

2. Shenzhen Internet of Things Industry Association signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Bank of Ningbo Shenzhen Branch

3. The "Shenzhen Industrial IoT Research Report (2023)" participation cooperation plan is officially released!

4. Shenzhen IoT Industry Association organized a delegation to visit Xinqiao East Advanced Manufacturing Industrial Park

5. [Key review] Shenzhen IoT Industry Association work summary in the first half of 20232023 Shenzhen Internet of Things Industry Research Report - iot shenzhen 2023

2023 Shenzhen Internet of Things Industry Research Report - iot shenzhen 2023


6. The Party Branch of Shenzhen Internet of Things Industry Association and the Party Branch of Bank of China Shenzhen Zhaoshang Road Sub-branch held a signing ceremony for party building and co-construction

7. National Chip IoT vs. IoT Media Basketball Friendship Match Ignite Summer Passion

8. Zheng Huabing, Secretary-General of Shenzhen IoT Industry Association, and his party visited Shenzhen Bing Electronic Label Co., Ltd., a member unit

9. Xiao Shanpeng, director of the Internet of Things Research Institute of China Mobile Research Institute, and his party visited the association and Xianshi Technology to guide the work

10. Hua Jie, President of Wuxi Enterprise Innovation Service Association, and his party visited Shenzhen Internet of Things Industry Association

11. Zheng Huabing, Secretary-General of Shenzhen IoT Industry Association, participated in the 2023 Industry Association Secretary-General Training

12. [Bay Area IoT] Using "chips" to protect the security of the Internet of Things - an exclusive interview with Liu Jian of Hongsi Electronics

13. Huashengchang vs. Wulian Media Basketball Friendship Match was successfully held

14. The symposium on "The First Phase of Scientific and Technological Policy Counseling for Member Enterprises" was successfully held in Shenzhen Internet of Things Industry Association

15. [Happy News] Shenzhen Xianshi Technology Co., Ltd., the supervisory unit of our association, has successfully obtained the national specialization and special new "little giant" enterprise certification

16. Shenzhen Internet of Things Industry Association co-organized the exchange meeting on the integration of domestic and foreign trade of enterprises

17. "In the era of large models, visual AI has become a new entrance to AIoT"—Shenzhen Internet of Things Industry Association successfully held the first session of the Internet of Things Spark Salon

18. Director Liu Kai of Tongling Data Resources Bureau of Anhui Province and his party visited Shenzhen Internet of Things Industry Association to guide the work

19. "Shenzhen Industrial Internet of Things Research Report (2023)" Sponsorship and cooperation are frequently reported

20. The "New Generation Huiqihang" "Into Smart City" communication activity undertaken by Shenzhen Internet of Things Industry Association was successfully held

21. Shenzhen IoT Industry Association's second new member meeting in 2023 was successfully held in Miaoyue Technology

22. This month, 16 newly developed member companies joined the membership

Summary of the work of Shenzhen IoT Industry Association in July 2023

Let's introduce it in detail:

1. The Shenzhen Internet of Things Industry Association fully organizes the application for the "Shenzhen Science and Technology Award (Standard Award)"

The Shenzhen Science and Technology Award is regarded as an important "window" for Shenzhen's scientific and technological innovation and development. Shenzhen Xianshi Technology Co., Ltd. applied for the "Shenzhen Science and Technology Award (Standard Award)". On July 2, the Shenzhen IoT Industry Association organized an expert working group to carry out the declaration work in Xianshi Technology.

2. Shenzhen Internet of Things Industry Association signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Bank of Ningbo Shenzhen Branch

On July 4, the Shenzhen IoT Industry Association and Bank of Ningbo Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Branch reached a consensus through friendly negotiations and signed a strategic cooperation agreement. Zheng Huabing, Secretary General of Shenzhen Internet of Things Industry Association, Ling Zhe and Zhu Wenjing, Presidents of Nanshan Sub-branch of Bank of Ningbo, attended the signing ceremony.

3. The "Shenzhen Industrial IoT Research Report (2023)" participation cooperation plan is officially released!

The association plans to carry out the preparation of the "Shenzhen Industrial IoT Research Report (2023)", investigate Shenzhen's industrial digitization and IoT penetration level, explore the digitization of various enterprises in the industry and the development space of the Internet of Things, and verify the digitalization and IoT. High-quality economic benefits, discover the problems and challenges faced in the existing digitization and IoT, and put forward countermeasures.

At present, the research report sponsorship cooperation is officially launched. This report is the key work and publicity object of the association. It is a necessary publication for the secretariat's daily reception. It has great communication value. IoT companies are welcome to discuss cooperation. Interested units, please contact the secretariat Ms. Liu.


4. Shenzhen Internet of Things Industry Association organized a delegation to visit Xinqiao East Advanced Manufacturing Industrial Park


On the afternoon of July 6, the Shenzhen Internet of Things Industry Association organized a delegation to visit the Xinqiao East Advanced Manufacturing Industrial Park, and was warmly received by Lin Guoxi, director of the Investment Promotion Department of Shenzhen Baoan Industrial Group Co., Ltd., and others. This event conducted in-depth discussions and exchanges around topics such as "20+8" key industrial clusters and "industry going upstairs".


5. [Key review] Shenzhen IoT Industry Association work summary in the first half of 2023


In the first half of 2023, the association always adheres to the leadership of party building and serves the overall situation, closely follows the annual work plan goals of Shenzhen IoT Industry Association, and carries out work in strict accordance with the regulations of the articles of association. While strengthening its own construction, it also improves the overall service level and focuses on coordination. The work was carried out in an orderly manner and achieved certain results, contributing to the sustainable, healthy and high-quality development of the Internet of Things industry in Shenzhen.


6. The Party Branch of Shenzhen IoT Industry Association and the Party Branch of Bank of China Shenzhen Zhaoshang Road Sub-branch held a signing ceremony for party building and co-construction


In order to further strengthen the linkage and development between banks and associations, promote party building through joint construction, and promote development through party building, on the morning of July 10, the Party Branch of Shenzhen IoT Industry Association and the Party Branch of Bank of China Shenzhen Zhaoshang Road Sub-branch held a meeting at Dongfang Technology The building held a signing ceremony of "Combining with Integrity, Party Building and Co-construction".


7. National Chip IoT vs. IoT Media Basketball Friendship Match Ignite Summer Passion


A basketball drives the passion of a group of people and pulls the heartbeat of everyone on the field; a game awakens the flying youth and shows the elegant self on the field. On the afternoon of July 9, Nationalchip IoT and IoT Media launched a friendly basketball match, which was sponsored by Shenzhen Internet of Things Industry Association.


8. Zheng Huabing, Secretary-General of Shenzhen Internet of Things Industry Association, and his party visited Shenzhen Bing Electronic Label Co., Ltd., a member unit


On July 11, Zheng Huabing, Secretary-General of Shenzhen Internet of Things Industry Association, Chen Xiaofeng, Director of Internet of Things Industry, and Wu Mingming, an industry analyst of AIoT Star Map Research Institute, visited the member unit Shenzhen Bing Electronic Label Co., Ltd. President Li Jie, General Manager Zeng Dongcai and others gave warm reception.

Summary of the work of Shenzhen IoT Industry Association in July 2023

Summary of the work of Shenzhen IoT Industry Association in July 2023


9. Xiao Shanpeng, director of the Internet of Things Research Institute of China Mobile Research Institute, and his party visited the association and Xianshi Technology to guide the work


On July 12, Xiao Shanpeng, Director of the Internet of Things Research Institute of China Mobile Research Institute, and his party visited Shenzhen Internet of Things Industry Association to guide their work. reception.


10. Hua Jie, President of Wuxi Enterprise Innovation Service Association, and his party visited Shenzhen Internet of Things Industry Association


On the morning of July 17, Hua Jie, President of Wuxi Enterprise Innovation Service Association, You Ziye, Secretary-General and others visited Shenzhen Internet of Things Industry Association and were warmly received by Zheng Huabing, Secretary-General of our association.


11. Zheng Huabing, Secretary-General of Shenzhen Internet of Things Industry Association, participated in the 2023 Industry Association Secretary-General Training


On July 13, the Shenzhen Social Organization Federation and the national social organization education and training base brand training project - "Secretary General Training Class" opened a new class, focusing on the cultivation of talents in industry associations and helping the high-quality development of the industry. 25 industrial clusters The main person in charge of the industry association participated in the training, and Bai Ling, deputy director of the Shenzhen Social Organization Administration, attended the opening ceremony. Zheng Huabing, secretary-general of Shenzhen IoT Industry Association, participated in the training.


12. [Bay Area IoT] Using "chips" to protect the security of the Internet of Things - an exclusive interview with Liu Jian of Hongsi Electronics


Network intrusion? Data breach? How to ensure enterprise data encryption? What scenarios can the security chip meet? How does the future develop? In this interview, we talked with Mr. Liu Jian, Marketing Director (CMO) of Beijing Hongsi Electronic Technology Co., Ltd., the governing unit of Shenzhen Internet of Things Industry Association. He is deeply involved in the market expansion and industry application of security chips. In this interview, he shared his thoughts on the challenges and development trends of IoT security, hoping to bring more inspiration and value to enterprises.


13. Huashengchang vs. Wulian Media Basketball Friendship Match was successfully held


In order to further enrich the cultural and sports life of employees, strengthen exchanges between fraternal associations, enhance cohesion and centripetal force, and create a united, harmonious and positive atmosphere, on July 19, Shenzhen Internet of Things Industry Association and Shenzhen Sensors and Intelligent Instruments Industry associations jointly launched the Huashengchang VS Wulian Media Basketball Friendship Match.


14. The symposium on "The First Phase of Scientific and Technological Policy Counseling for Member Enterprises" was successfully held in Shenzhen Internet of Things Industry Association


In order to help member companies do a good job in the identification of high-tech enterprises and the declaration of Shenzhen's "specialized, special and new" small and medium-sized small and medium-sized enterprises, and prepare relevant materials in the sprint stage, on July 20, Shenzhen IoT Industry Association Science and Technology Policy Guidance" Symposium.


15. Shenzhen Xianshi Technology Co., Ltd., the supervisory unit of the Internet of Things Association, successfully obtained the national specialization, special new "little giant" enterprise certification


Warm congratulations to Shenzhen Xianshi Technology Co., Ltd., the supervisory unit of Shenzhen Internet of Things Industry Association, for becoming a national-level specialized, special-new "little giant" enterprise, and an important member of 755 specialized, specialized and new "little giant" enterprises in Shenzhen. Single champion" one step away! The Shenzhen Internet of Things Industry Association has guided Xianshi Technology to declare a "little giant" enterprise.


16. Shenzhen Internet of Things Industry Association co-organized the exchange meeting on the integration of domestic and foreign trade of enterprises


On the afternoon of July 20th, the "Enterprise's Domestic and Foreign Trade Integration Development High-end Conference" was jointly sponsored by the Nanshan Bureau of the Municipal Market Supervision Administration and the Guangdong Provincial WTO/TBT Notification Consulting Research Center, co-organized by the Guangdong Excellent Quality Brand Research Institute and the Shenzhen Internet of Things Industry Association. "Exchange meeting" was successfully held. Yang Weiqi, executive chairman of Shenzhen Internet of Things Industry Association, Zheng Huabing, secretary-general, and heads of more than ten member units of the association attended.


17. "In the era of large models, visual AI has become a new entrance to AIoT"—Shenzhen Internet of Things Industry Association successfully held the first session of the Internet of Things Spark Salon


On July 21, the first "Visual AI becomes the new entrance of AIoT: from technology evolution to ecological co-construction" was successfully held in Intellinda, the independent innovation lecture hall Xinghuo Salon project-Internet of Things Xinghuo Salon (6 sessions), Its purpose is to present the main points of the development of the visual AI industry at this stage, and to provide inspiration for the method of identifying and judging the trend of the visual AI industry.


18. Director Liu Kai of Tongling Data Resources Bureau of Anhui Province and his party visited Shenzhen Internet of Things Industry Association to guide the work


On the morning of July 26, Liu Kai, director of Tongling Data Resources Bureau, He Wei, section chief, He Chengliang, deputy general manager of Tongling Mobile, Ke Aihua, director of government and enterprise, and others visited Shenzhen Internet of Things Industry Association to guide the work.


19. "Shenzhen Industrial Internet of Things Research Report (2023)" Sponsorship and cooperation are frequently reported


20. The "New Generation Huiqihang" "Into Smart City" communication activity undertaken by Shenzhen IoT Industry Association was successfully held


On the afternoon of July 26th, hosted by Shenzhen New Generation Industrial Park, organized by Shenzhen Internet of Things Industry Association, co-organized by Shenzhen Smart City Communication Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Smart City Communication"), and supported by Visual IoT "Huiqixing" into Smart City Communications - S-AIoT Metropolitan IoT Sensing Capabilities Open Platform Cooperation and Exchange Conference was held in Tairanlicheng.


21. Shenzhen Internet of Things Industry Association's second new member meeting in 2023 was successfully held in Miaoyue Technology!


On July 28, the "2023 Second Phase New Member Meeting" sponsored by Shenzhen Internet of Things Industry Association and undertaken by Shenzhen Miaoyue Technology Co., Ltd., the vice president unit, was successfully held in Shangmei Times Building. Yang Weiqi, executive chairman of the association, Li Minwei, chairman of Miaoyue Technology, Zheng Huabing, secretary general, and heads of 19 member companies attended the meeting, and joined hands to open a new era of the Internet of Things!


22. In July 2023, 16 new member companies will join the Shenzhen Internet of Things Industry Association

Welcome Jinan Qianxun Information Technology Co., Ltd. and Ant Blockchain Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. to become the vice president units of our association;

Welcome Shenzhen Lanke Xuntong Technology Co., Ltd., Wizy IoT Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd., Dongguan Tengxiang Electronics Co., Ltd., and Shenzhen Jiliu Wulian Information Technology Co., Ltd. to become our council members;

Welcome to Ningxia Laizhi Smart Ecological Technology Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Star Compass Technology Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Jieyi Technology Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Yimiyun Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd., Shanghai Dao Biolink Technology Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Fushian IoT Technology Co., Ltd. Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Fushian Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Bangma International Enterprise Management Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Jikaida Technology Co., Ltd., and Shenzhen Xiha Technology Co., Ltd. have become members of our association.

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