Chip IC Fudan pergelangan tangan loop tertutup RFID

2023 Buku Putih Pasif Internet of Things RFID dan Laporan Seri Ekologi

Laba kotor dan fokus yang wajar, Trade-off perusahaan terkemuka RFID. "2023 Buku Putih Pasif Internet of Things RFID dan Laporan Seri Ekologi" An's electronic research.

2023 Buku Putih Pasif Internet of Things RFID dan Laporan Seri Ekologi

Itu "2023 Buku Putih Pasif Internet of Things RFID dan Laporan Seri Ekologi" direncanakan oleh AIoT Star Map Research Institute meluncurkan riset pasar, rangkaian laporan disajikan dalam bentuk "1 kertas putih + 10 laporan riset pasar dalam subdivisi", rangkaian laporan tidak hanya menunjukkan tren pasar terbaru di tautan hulu, tetapi juga berfokus pada 10 aplikasi subdivisi penting dari industri Internet of Things pasif RFID, building an RFID passive industri Internet of Things information ecology, yang memiliki nilai komunikasi pasar yang besar.RFID closed-loop wrist Fudan IC chip - 2023 RFID Passive Internet of Things White Paper and Ecological Series Report

Chip IC Fudan pergelangan tangan loop tertutup RFID - 2023 Buku Putih Pasif Internet of Things RFID dan Laporan Seri Ekologi


Baru-baru ini, analysts from AIoT Research Institute visited and investigated Guangzhou Andi Electronic Technology Co., Ltd., Andi's Electronics has been focusing on the research and development of HF/UHF reading and writing technology in the field of RFID for more than ten years, and the core products independently developed include readers, reading and writing modules, antena, perangkat genggam, dll..Guangzhou Andi Electronic Technology Co., Ltd - rfid tag manufacturers in China

Guangzhou Andi Electronic Technology Co., Ltd - rfid tag manufacturers in China


In the application of scenarios, Andi's Electronics focuses on the two major fields of smart library and smart retail, and is also exploring the intelligent application of industry, medical and other fields to provide high-quality RFID hardware products.

To enter a field, you must be the head of the market

"To do this market, we must be the head of the market" This is the corporate goals and ambitions of Andi's Electronics to show us, Andi's Electronics in the two fields of smart library and smart retail is reflected in this way, as the leader of RFID library core equipment, Andi's Electronics products occupy nearly 60% of the market share.IoT RFID Electronic Tag - Screw fixing hole H3 chip tag

IoT RFID Electronic Tag - Screw fixing hole H3 chip tag


With the help of the library management service platform technology of integrator customers, An's products have successfully served public libraries, university libraries, primary and secondary school libraries, urban study rooms, and 24-hour urban block self-service libraries.

In the field of RFID smart retail, Andi Electronics' intelligent equipment occupies about 30% of the market share. It has provided RFID core intelligent hardware for more than 500+ unmanned convenience stores, 100+ smart stores, Dan 8000+ self-service vending cabinets, which has greatly promoted the development of the smart retail industry.NFC chip access control RFID identification - high frequency flexible FPC card - high temperature resistant bracelet NFC electronic tag

NFC chip access control RFID identification - high frequency flexible FPC card - high temperature resistant bracelet NFC electronic tag


After the relatively mature two fields of smart library and smart retail, An's electronics focuses on the industrial and medical fields, especially the industrial field, An's electronics layout industrial identification and industrial communication two directions, the goal is to become a leading enterprise in the industrial field.

Intelligent manufacturing is a major trend, industrial identification and industrial communication market prospects are good, currently in the automotive, lithium battery, photovoltaic, 3C electronics and other markets continue to land, according to AIoT Star Map Research Institute data: industrial reader shipments in the next few years will maintain a compound growth rate of 30%-50%.RFID Electronic Tag - UHF UHF PCB Anti-Metal Tag - 8008 Screw Fixing Hole H3 Chip Tag

RFID(Identifikasi frekuensi radio) Electronic Tag - UHF UHF PCB Anti-Metal Tag - 8008 Screw Fixing Hole H3 Chip Tag


In the context of domestic substitution, with the investment and deep cultivation of the industrial field, I believe that An's electronics will become a force that cannot be ignored in the field of industrial identification and industrial communication.

Trade-offs of leading companies: abandon low-price competition

Andi's Electronics told us: "To survive and develop, enterprises must ensure reasonable gross profits, as a head enterprise, there is no need to do low-price competition, do projects without reasonable profits."RFID UHF self-adhesive tag - F43 warehousing logistics asset management electronic tag

RFID UHF self-adhesive tag - F43 warehousing logistics asset management electronic tag


I believe that most of the enterprises are the same as us, all agree with the concept of An's electronics, its own low-price vicious competition is not conducive to the development of the industry, no profit, good service how to come, no good service there is no customer trust, and even do not do well delivery, the development of the industry is harmful, especially when the industry application is just beginning.

And enterprises that aim to become the head of the industry or are already the head of the industry do not need to do low-cost projects, brands, solid products, more mature solutions, better delivery capabilities, more intimate services Each of them requires a cost, and there is a cost that naturally needs to have a premium, I believe that most customers will agree with these premiums.

To be an emerging market, you need to be patient; The market is also big enough, as long as you dig the part that suits you. Abandoning low-price competition may be a trade-off that must be made to aim at the head of the industry.

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