2023 Tuam Tshoj Internet ntawm Tej Yam Kev Lag Luam Cov Thawj Coj Lub Rooj Sib Tham · Shenzhen Chaw Nres Nkoj Caw Tsab Ntawv

2023 Tuam Tshoj Internet ntawm Yam Kev Lag Luam Cov Thawj Coj Summit - Shenzhen Chaw Nres Nkoj Invitation Letter

2023 Tuam Tshoj Internet ntawm Tej Yam Kev Lag Luam Cov Thawj Coj Lub Rooj Sib Tham · Shenzhen Chaw Nres Nkoj Caw Tsab Ntawv. Nyob rau lub sijhawm no ntawm kev tsis paub tseeb, yuav ua li cas thiaj nrhiav tau txoj hauv kev rau qhov tseeb tau dhau los ua lub ntsiab lus ntawm kev txhawj xeeb rau txhua tus.

2023 Tuam Tshoj Internet ntawm Tej Yam Kev Lag Luam Cov Thawj Coj Lub Rooj Sib Tham · Shenzhen Chaw Nres Nkoj Caw Tsab Ntawv

Thaum cov kev loj hlob ntawm kev sib raug zoo qeeb, nws nyuaj rau txhua qhov chaw ntawm lub neej kom tau nyiaj, tab sis nws tsis yog tsis muaj lub cib fim tshiab. Pom tseeb, Lub ntsiab lus tom ntej ntawm kev txhim kho kev sib raug zoo yog digitization thiab kev txawj ntse, thiab Internet ntawm Yam yog lub hauv paus ntawm kev lag luam digital. pob zeb pob zeb.


Hais txog cov lej sib txuas, cellular technology kab (NB-IoT, Cat.1, 5G/redcap, lwm.) tseem loj hlob ntawm tus nqi zoo; thiab me me wireless technologies xws li Bluetooth thiab wifi tau loj hlob ntawm tus nqi ntawm billions ib xyoos. Ntxiv rau, passive IoT technology sawv cev los ntawm RFID tab tom txhim kho mus rau qhov ntim txhua xyoo ntawm ntau pua billions.

2023 Tuam Tshoj Internet ntawm Tej Yam Kev Lag Luam Cov Thawj Coj Lub Rooj Sib Tham · Shenzhen Chaw Nres Nkoj Caw Tsab Ntawv

Tom qab txoj kev loj hlob sai, daim ntawv thov ntawm IoT kev lag luam tseem nyob rau hauv tag nrho. Yog peb ua tib zoo mloog, peb yuav pom ntau yam khoom siv IoT thiab cov ntawv thov nyob ib puag ncig peb, xws li ntse qhov rooj xauv, cheb robots, ntse dej/gas meters, ntse ob-wheelers, Cov khoom siv tsis siv neeg yuav khoom thiab lwm yam.


Tau ntev, fragmentation yog ib qho teeb meem loj hauv kev lag luam IoT. Yuav ua li cas thiaj nrhiav tau tus qauv hauv kev lag luam fragmented no yog dab tsi txhua tus neeg hauv kev lag luam mob siab txog. Hauv IOTE tsis ntev los no IoT exhibitions, Peb tau pom ntau thiab ntau Ntau Ntau lub tuam txhab kev lag luam IoT muab cov khoom lag luam uas sib xyaw ua haujlwm ntau dua, thiab tus nqi tsis nce ntau dhau, kom lawv yuav tau txais kev lag luam.

Nws tuaj yeem hais tias ntawm kev taug qab ntawm Internet ntawm Yam, uas muaj cib fim puv nkaus, muaj kev sib tw thiab kev koom tes ntau dua. Ntau qhov project xav kom muaj lub luag haujlwm sib txawv hauv kev lag luam saw kom ua tiav zoo dua. This provides a new development idea for today's extremely introverted society.

Hauv cov ntsiab lus no, tus "2023 China Internet of Things Industry Leaders Summit·Shenzhen Station--and the opening of IOTE·2023 20th International Internet of Things Exhibition·Shenzhen Station" yog tsim los ntawm IOT Media thiab Shenzhen Internet ntawm Yam Kev Lag Luam Association "Formula" tau los ua.

Raws li qhib ceremony ntawm lub exhibition, lub rooj sib tham no yuav caw tsoom fwv cov thawj coj, cov kws tshaj lij kev lag luam, thiab cov tuam txhab ua lag luam hauv AIoT taug qab los qhia cov ntaub ntawv tshiab tshaj plaws thiab kev lag luam hauv kev lag luam IoT kev lag luam.

Txhawb nqa: Shenzhen Internet ntawm Yam Kev Lag Luam Association

Cov koom haum: IoT Media, IOTE, AIoT Star Map Research Institute, AIoT Library

Sijhawm: Cuaj hlis 20, 2023 sawv ntxov

Qhov chaw: Lub Rooj Sib Tham 9, 2nd pem, Shenzhen World Exhibition thiab Convention Center (Baoan New Hall) (nruab nrab ntawm Hall 9 thiab Hall 11)

Qhov tseeb UV inkjet tshuab luam ntawv khoom - China Internet of Things Company

Ntawm no Shenzhen International Internet ntawm Yam Exhibition, micro-embedded logo yuav coj qhov tseeb UV inkjet tshuab luam ntawv khoom
China's Internet of Things technology, kev txawj ntse txuas txhua yam, technology coj lub neej yav tom ntej, thiab tsim cov possibilities infinite!

Ncaj nraim tawm tsam cov thev naus laus zis thev naus laus zis ntawm ntse Internet ntawm Yam, thiab kev siv tshuab los txhawb kev sib raug zoo thiab kev loj hlob. IOTE International Internet of Things Exhibition aims los txhawb kev sib pauv thiab kev koom tes hauv Is Taws Nem ntawm Yam, thiab tshawb nrhiav qhov kev txhim kho tshiab kawg thiab daim ntawv thov kev cia siab ntawm Internet of Things technology. Hnub tim 22, Ib qho kev tshwm sim thoob ntiaj teb IoT yuav muaj nyob rau ntawm Shenzhen International Convention thiab Exhibition Center (Baoan New Hall).

Lub koom haum ntawm Internet ntawm Yam tshwj xeeb tau caw Guangzhou Micro-embedded Logo Technology Co., Ltd. (luv luv: Micro-embedded logo) mus koom qhov kev nthuav qhia no. Thaum ntawd, nws yuav nyob rau tib theem nrog ntau tus npoj yaig ntawm qhov chaw los qhia qhov tseeb UV inkjet tshuab luam ntawv khoom thiab high-speed UV digital printing daws teeb meem.
China Internet of Things Company: Guangzhou Micro Embedded Logo Technology Co., Ltd., Ltd.
Shenzhen World Convention thiab Exhibition Center (Bao'an)

Lub rooj muag zaub No.: 11B3

Cuaj hlis 20-22, 2023

Kev taw qhia txog tuam txhab: Guangzhou Micro Embedded Marking Technology Co., Ltd., Ltd. tau tsim nyob rau hauv 2005. Nws yog ib lub tuam txhab kev lag luam ntawm cov khoom siv coding cim thiab cov ntaub ntawv sib txawv ntawm cov tshuab luam ntawv, kev koom ua ke R&D, tsim, ntau lawm thiab muag khoom.

The company's products include variable data UV inkjet printers, Anti-dua li traceability inkjet printers thiab tsis-tus qauv customized UV inkjet printers, lwm., thiab tuaj yeem nruab nrog kev txheeb xyuas tsis siv neeg, taug qab kev tiv thaiv kev ua txhaum cai, anti-channeling systems, LED dej-txias curing systems, Ob-dimensional code nrhiav thiab tshem tawm, kev sib sau ua ke, lwm., tuaj yeem ntsib yuav luag txhua qhov chaw uas siv tshuab inkjet tuaj yeem siv tau.

Tam sim no, lub tuam txhab muaj ntau tshaj 170 cov neeg ua haujlwm, suav nrog 57 R&D pab pawg. Nyob rau hauv lub tshav pob ntawm UV coding, nws yog ib qho ntawm ob peb lub tuam txhab muaj peev xwm ntawm kev tshawb fawb ywj pheej thiab kev txhim kho cov tub ntxhais software thiab kho vajtse. Lub micro-embedded logo txhawb nqa los ntawm cov thev naus laus zis siab heev tau tsim los rau hauv lub tsev tsis siv neeg UV Lub chaw muag khoom tseem ceeb hauv kev luam ntawv tau mus txog kev sib raug zoo nrog kev lag luam thoob ntiaj teb nozzle lwm tus Ricoh, Konica thiab Seiko, which has laid a solid foundation for the company's internationalization.

Khoom piav qhia:

UV muaj inkjet tshuab luam ntawv-S7200

Lub tshuab luam ntawv UV muaj inkjet nws tus kheej tsim los ntawm Micro Embedded Logo - qauv S7200, tuaj yeem luam ntau cov ntaub ntawv sib txawv hauv lub sijhawm, suav nrog barcodes, ob-dimensional codes, cov cai tswj xyuas hluav taws xob, traceability cov lis dej num, anti-country codes, UDI cov lis dej num, hnub thiab sijhawm, Hloov cov lej pawg, tshuab xam zauv, daim duab, rooj, databases, lwm. Cov khoom muaj ib tug dav hom thiab tsis tshua muaj kev daws teeb meem, ib tug loj npaum li cas ntawm ink output, thiab luam ntawv siab txog li 71.9mm, uas yog tsim rau luam tawm cov khoom loj.

Xim UV inkjet tshuab luam ntawv-C5000

Cov xim UV inkjet tshuab luam ntawv-C5000 qauv ntawm nws tus kheej tsim los ntawm Micro Embedded Logo, cov duab sib txawv xim, hloov pauv xim barcodes, hloov pauv xim LOGO, thiab lub kaw lus txhawb kev luam ntawv ib-dimensional barcodes thiab lwm yam ntsiab lus. Thiab koj tuaj yeem hloov kho qhov layout, cov ntsiab lus, thiab luam ntawv txoj hauj lwm. Nws tuaj yeem luam tawm ntau cov ntaub ntawv sib txawv hauv lub sijhawm, suav nrog barcode, ob-dimensional code, electronic supervision code, traceability code, tiv thaiv cuav code, UDI code, hnub thiab sijhawm, hloov pawg naj npawb, tshuab xam zauv, daim duab, daim ntawv, database, lwm. Cov khoom muaj ib tug dav hom thiab tsis tshua muaj kev daws teeb meem, thiab ib tug loj npaum li cas ntawm ink output, uas yog tsim rau luam tawm cov khoom loj.

Kev sib txawv ntawm ob-dimensional code UV inkjet tshuab luam ntawv-S5000

Qhov sib txawv ntawm ob-dimensional code UV inkjet tshuab luam ntawv-S5000 qauv ntawm nws tus kheej tsim los ntawm Micro Embedded Logo muaj cov nyhuv luam ntawv zoo thiab tsim nyog rau ntau yam khoom siv.. Nws muaj kev luam ntawv siab (600DPI), ceev ceev, yooj yim txij nkawm, Quick-drying number case thiab tsis muaj clogging Nozzle, hom ntawv dav thiab daws teeb meem tsawg, loj ink output, haum rau luam tawm cov khoom loj, adhesion zoo thiab yuav tsis ua puas rau saum npoo ntawm cov khoom luam tawm, lwm.

Nws tuaj yeem luam tawm ntau cov ntaub ntawv sib txawv hauv lub sijhawm, suav nrog barcode, ob-dimensional code, electronic supervision code, traceability code, tiv thaiv cuav code, UDI code, hnub thiab sijhawm, hloov pawg naj npawb, tshuab xam zauv, daim duab, daim ntawv, database, lwm. Nws tuaj yeem luam tawm ntawm aluminium boards, ceramic vuas, iav, ntoo boards, cov ntawv hlau, acrylic boards, yas, tawv thiab lwm yam ntaub ntawv tiaj tus, zoo li lub hnab ntim khoom, cartons thiab lwm yam khoom.

Cov saum toj no tsuas yog ib feem ntawm cov khoom tso saib, thiab ntau yam khoom IoT thiab cov kev daws teeb meem zoo IoT muaj nyob ntawm IOTE 2023 Chaw nres tsheb Shenzhen. Thaum ntawd, peb yuav ntsib koj hauv Hall 11 of Bao'an New Hall of Shenzhen World Convention and Exhibition Center (lub rooj tsavxwm: 11B3) rau kev sib pauv thiab kev koom tes ntxiv!

Qhia koj txoj kev hlub

Sau ntawv cia

Koj email chaw nyob yuav tsis raug luam tawm. Cov teb uas yuav tsum tau muaj yog cim *