IoT devices manufacturers, Companaidhean IoT ann an Sìona

We are a Chinese Internet of Things company, luchd-saothrachaidh innealan iot, Companaidhean IoT ann an Sìona, le fòcas air eadar-lìn gnìomhachais de rudan, dachaigh spaideil, luchd-labhairt smart, cruinneachadh dàta, factaraidhean smart, uisge snasail, energy management and control, geataichean gnìomhachais tuigseach, Eadar-lìon de chàraichean, sgrùdadh tuigseach, innealan wireless Internet of Things.
Bidh na h-innleadairean Internet of Things againn a’ cuimseachadh air rannsachadh prìomh theicneòlasan Internet of Things, teicneòlas aithneachaidh tricead rèidio, teicneòlas conaltraidh lìonra, Teicneòlas GPS, teicneòlas coimpiutaireachd, teicneòlas mothachaidh.

IoT company office environment

Focus on the research and development of Internet of Things products, and strive to provide the best Internet of Things products for global users and create the best new Internet of Things service platform.
Provide global customers with IoT modules (BLE, WIFI, 4G, Cat.1, PCBA, etc.), smart gateways, IoT chips, NB-IOT and other products.

Office environment of China Internet of Things company - Shenzhen IoT Sensing Research Technology Co., Ltd - About Us - IoT companies in china - iot devices manufacturers


Tha Shenzhen IoT Sensing Research Technology Co., Earr

Tha Shenzhen IoT Sensing Research Technology Co., Earr. is a national high-tech enterprise deeply engaged in the field of Internet of Things wireless communication, integrating software and hardware research and development, AIoT platform and connection solution services, specializing in special new enterprises, providing customers with wireless terminal solutions and industry Internet of Things connection solutions for many years, and has become China's leading 5G intelligent Internet of Things connection solution service provider.

Shenzhen IoT Sensing Research Technology Co., Ltd. - China's cutting-edge Internet of Things technology research and development center

IoT device application areas

Focus on the whole industry chain of the Internet of Things -- ìre tuigse, transport layer, còmhdach àrd-ùrlair, application layer. Especially guided by the application of the Internet of Things, it deeply cultivates the key application fields of Internet of Things technologies such as intelligent manufacturing, logistics smart, bailtean-mòra smart, smart buildings, dachaighean spaideil, reic smart, and smart medical care, and promotes the popularization of Internet of Things applications.

Shenzhen IoT Sensing Research Technology Co., Ltd. honor wall - IoT companies in china

Pròifil companaidh

Tha Shenzhen IoT Sensing Research Technology Co., Earr. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of China IoT Communications Group Co., Earr.

The company is positioned as the forge of the core capabilities of the Internet of Things, the leader of the professional market of the Internet of Things, the supporter of the whole network Internet of Things business, the demonstrator of the reform of science and technology enterprises, and the pioneering frontier technology of the Internet of Things.

Tha Shenzhen IoT Sensing Research Technology Co., Earr. actively implements the strategic deployment of China Internet of Things Group, with the goal of "making new scale", "forging new capabilities", "creating new mechanisms" agus "planning new layout", opening up a new situation around the "four new", and constantly promoting industrial digitalization and digital industrialization.

The company focuses on IoT business capacity building and market expansion, focusing on the basic general capabilities of IoT, video Internet of Things (VIoT), intelligent Internet of Things (AIoT), and industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) to build core technologies and products of IoT to support the development of IoT business across the network.

The digital economy empowers thousands of industries, and 5G convergence drives the Internet of Everything. China Mobile Internet of Things Co., Earr. will seize the opportunity of digital intelligence transformation and join hands with partners from all walks of life to open a new chapter in the development of digital economy!

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Our partners

RDA Qualcomm Dream-Future Texas Instruments TCL Realtek - IoT companies in china Streaming Haier

Corporate culture

Brand meaning: the talents of the network world, gathering core technology, cloud wisdom solutions, connecting all things in the world.

Enterprise values: professional, innovative, sincere, buannachadh

Mission: Network intelligence, cloud connection of all things, to provide customers with the best intelligent solutions

Vision: Committed to the research and development of cutting-edge technology of Internet of Things technology, to provide the best Internet of Things products for global users.

We firmly believe that the future world will be a world of the Internet of Things, RFID (teicneòlas aithneachaidh tricead rèidio), teicneòlas conaltraidh lìonra, Teicneòlas GPS, teicneòlas coimpiutaireachd, sensor technology is the early and widely used technology in the Internet of Things, we also provide global users with a professional Internet of Things comprehensive portal - Àrd-ùrlar sgòthan IoT.